Familienzentrum des Lebenshilfe-Werks "Kegelbergzwerge"

ab 1. Jahr bis zum Schuleintritt

Familienzentrum des Lebenshilfe-Werks "Kegelbergzwerge"
Friedrich-Trost-Straße 6
35066 Frankenberg (Eder)
Funding authority
Lebenshilfe-Werk - Kreis Waldeck-Frankenberg e. V.
Am Stege 4
34497 Korbach
06451 7221420 (Monika Kramer)
Opening times7:00 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
late care3:00 PM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysEine Spätbetreuung bis 17:00 Uhr ist nur möglich wenn mindestens 5 Eltern in der Einrichtung dieses Betreuungsmodul wünschen!

Sommerferien (2 Wochen)

Gesetzliche Feiertage
Specially educational concept open concept
Therapeutic support Logopedia, speech therapy, Hearing-impaired, occupational therapy, physical therapy, disability, mentally handicapped
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, care with lunch, curative pedagogy facility, ergotherapy, family counseling, for children with special educational needs, full day care, language education

Current information


Here you will find current news from the family center "Kegelbergzwerge"of the Lebenshilfe-Werks Frankenberg:

Familienzentrum Frankenberg - Lebenshilfe-Werk Waldeck-Frankenberg


Kinderbetreuung | Stadt Frankenberg (Eder)

Kindertagesbetreuung | Stadt Frankenberg (Eder)


At the “Kegelbergzwerge” Frankenberg family center, children with and without disabilities grow up together as a matter of course. The educational mission and goal of our institution is to raise, educate and promote preschool children to become self-responsible and socially capable individuals. Children are looked after in five groups from the first year until they start school, including:


  • 3 kindergarten groups (2 to 5 years)
  • 1 crèche group (12 months to 2.5 years)
  • Constant group for pre school children in their last year of daycare


Our Frankenberg family center offers integrative places in every group.


We have, among other things, five group rooms, including a crèche group for children between 12 months and 2.5 years, as well as exercise rooms and a gym.

Outdoor Facilities

Our “Kegelbergzwerge” family center in Frankenberg has a large outdoor area with lots of play equipment.

Daily Schedule


Our “Kegelbergzwerge” family center is open from Monday to Thursday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Fridays from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Late childcare until 17:00 or 16:30 is only possible if at least 5 parents in the facility request this childcare module!)


In our family center you can choose between the following care times:

7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m

7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m

7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m (Only if at least 5 parents in the facility request this module)




Breakfast and lunch are offered at the facility. Parents pay a fixed monthly fee for breakfast; lunch is billed based on the meals actually eaten.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 26/09/2024 07:59:11)