DRK Integrative Kindertagesstätte "Wigand-Gerstenberg"

ab 1. Jahr bis zum Schuleintritt

DRK Integrative Kindertagesstätte "Wigand-Gerstenberg"
Seekirchener Straße 1
35066 Frankenberg (Eder)
Funding authority
DRK-Kreisverband Frankenberg e.V.
Auestraße 25
35066 Frankenberg (Eder)
06451 24874 (Simone Boucsein)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs, full day care


In our integrative daycare center "Wigand Gesternberg", up to 125 boys and girls, regardless of their social and national background, can be cared for from the age of 1 until they start school in five groups, four of which are cross-age and one crèche group. We offer special support to children with disabilities.


You can reach us for more information about our daycare center “Wigand Gerstenberg” at:

Simone Boucsein
E-Mail: kita-fkb@drk-frankenberg.de
Telephone: 06451/24874
Fax: 06451/4082646


We invite you to get to know our work in the daycare center better. We provide you with our detailed basic pedagogical concept here in PDF format:

Konzeption_DRK-Kita-Wigand-Gerstenberg_2019.pdf (drk-frankenberg.de)



Our daycare center, the “Wigand Gerstenberg” daycare center, has the following rooms available:

  • Entrance area with cloakrooms, slide and ball bath
  • Room with locker, storage space for strollers
  • sports room with equipment room and climbing walls
  • Three child-friendly bathrooms with changing tables and a disabled-accessible toilet
  • Five group rooms equipped with construction carpets, storage room, doll corners, painting tables and tables for free play, a built-in children's kitchen for everyday work, such as. Allow the children to wash their breakfast dishes independently.
  • Four group rooms have additional play areas on a gallery
  • Two intensive care rooms that can be used as a sleeping and relaxation room after lunchtime
  • Office and a staff room, which is also used as a meeting room (the parents' library is also located here)

Our five group rooms can be reached from the hallway; four of the five cross-age groups are connected to each other by intensive care rooms. This means that groups can work together without restrictions in everyday life.


An area that can be separated if necessary is also used by the therapists (logo and occupational therapy).

Outdoor Facilities

Our daycare center is a wooden frame building with colorful windows and covered terraces. The spacious outdoor area with sandpit, swings and trees offers the children enough space to move around and shaded areas on sunny days. Our crèche group has a separate, age-appropriate outdoor play area with a sandpit and separate terrace.

The large outdoor area has:

  • Sandbox
  • Slide
  • Hanging ramp
  • Swing
  • Balancing beam
  • Barefoot path
  • Children's bike rack
  • Paved outdoor path used as a vehicle course
  • Sand play house
  • Vehicle shed
  • Construction trailer in which work with wood can be offered
  • Tool shed for the caretaker


Our daycare center has parking spaces in front of the facility.

Daily Schedule

ll groups meet every day during the period from

7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m


from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m

in an early and late group, across groups.

For those under 3 years old, daycare ends at 3:30 p.m.

Example day for a cross-age group:

Time      Expiry

7.30-8.15  Early group

  • Two educational professionals
  • Room changes every six months

Children are entered into the attendance list by their parents.

8.00-9.00 Würzburg training program (Tuesday and Friday)

8.45 Taxi children are picked up by daycare staff Until

9 a.m. Individual delivery to the core groups

8.15-10.30 Free breakfast

  • Children bring healthy breakfasts from home without sweets
  • Drinks are provided by the daycare center
  • Children decide whether, when, what and how much they eat
  • Once a week we have a breakfast together in the form of a buffet in order to get to know the variety of flavors of the food.

After every breakfast, the children brush their teeth.

8.15-11.30 Free play and offers in the morning

  • Various play locations, e.g. construction corner, painting table...
  • Do gymnastics
  • Garden
  • Forest
  • Visit other playgrounds
  • Free play in the hallway


11:45 a.m. lunch circle (individual locations)

  • Songs
  • Circle games
  • Develop project topics
  • Discuss experiences of the day

12.00 Pick up the children who are left without lunch

Lunch in the groups followed by tooth brushing

1:00 p.m

  • Rest period and opportunity for an afternoon nap
  • Individual pickup time begins

Children without food with a full-day place can be brought back.

13.30 Free play and project offers, e.g.:

  • Psychomotor skills
  • Schoolchildren group
  • Music

3:15 pm Bring the “taxi kids” to the taxi

3.30 p.m. Late group with snacks offered by two educational professionals (pick-up situation for all children under 3 years old)

4:30 p.m. Daycare center closes


The legal guardians have the opportunity to decide whether their child should be looked after at the facility all day and have a warm lunch at the daycare center or whether they should pick up their child before lunch (12:00 p.m.).

The wholesome lunch meal is prepared and delivered fresh daily in the kitchen of the DRK Senior Center Gemünden. The respective valid meal plan is posted in the entrance area of ​​the daycare center. The foods are labeled according to their additives and the parents order lunch for two days in advance. Lunch will be eaten in the groups between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m.

In the groups, a drink fee is paid for water, unsweetened tea, milk and fruit, as well as for the healthy breakfast that takes place once a week. Drinks are always available in sufficient quantities.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 19/06/2024 07:41:52)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of carecount places
12 Places
125 Places


The basis for our educational work is the content of the Hessian education and upbringing plan and the DRK's model for daycare centers.

In the spirit of humanity, we stand up for the lives, dignity, health, education, well-being and rights of our children. “We strive to protect the life and health of the children entrusted to our care, as well as to respect the human dignity of everyone.”

(Compare: Mission statement of the DRK daycare centers)

We have a family-complementary educational, upbringing and care mandate.

The education and upbringing plan represents a pedagogy that focuses on the child and his or her individual learning requirements.

The child actively understands his environment and shapes – co-constructs – his learning experiences.

We strive to provide earlier, more sustainable, more individual and more intensive education for all the children entrusted to us.

All opportunities that could give rise to processes of child education are considered to the best of our ability.

We accept every child for their personality and their level of development, take into account their individual learning requirements and accompany and support them appropriately.

The child is supported holistically in all of his educational processes in everyday kindergarten life.


Only pedagogical professionals work full-time and part-time in our daycare center.

Our specialists are committed and competent and bring different skills and abilities to our facility.

The pedagogical specialists regularly take part in further training and further education.

We also offer students the opportunity to do an internship here with us. It doesn't matter whether the internship is 2/4 or 6 weeks long, students from the technical school can also do internships and their professional internship with us.

Young people who are not yet sure in which direction their professional career should take have the opportunity to get a taste of the professional world of educators with an FSJ.

In addition to the educational team, the daycare center employs two housekeepers, two cleaners and a caretaker.

The pedagogical specialists who work in the integration area continually undergo further training and development


In our role as educational specialists, we see ourselves as development companions for each individual child, with their individual personality.

We accompany you in your everyday life by encouraging you in play and supporting you in your activities (e.g. eating, doing crafts).

We look at each child with an appreciative eye, which helps us to recognize their strengths and to encourage them positively.

Additional Offerings

After registering in daycare center

Getting used to it is the foundation for positive development. The duration of the acclimatization depends on the individual needs and age of the child (this can take 2-8 weeks). The Berlin familiarization model offers us orientation here. This means that we introduce the children individually and step by step into everyday kindergarten life.

The child should feel safe and secure in our facility without parents. The adjustment phase is complete for us when the child remains in the facility during the registered care times without the familiar family caregiver.

An intake interview is where children, family caregivers and educational professionals get to know each other. This can take place either at home or at the facility, at the parents' discretion.

Teamwork with school

School readiness means that the child can meet the requirements of school.

This support begins as soon as the child enters our daycare center.

The teachers experience and observe the children in different situations.

This allows them to recognize their strengths and weaknesses and promote them individually.

The individual child is met where they are currently in their development. In the child's last year of kindergarten, we offer various activities to further prepare the child for school. These take place in the so-called preschool group.

All children at the facility are divided into two different groups, which meet on a fixed day a week every two weeks.

This is how the children get to know each other and a community is formed.

The social-emotional area forms the foundation for the entire school ability. The focus is also on motor and cognitive development.

These are developed in regular meetings with the children through various offerings.

When they are ready for school, the children have developed an image of themselves and acquired many skills.

Teamwork with parents

Collaboration with families is the basis for a constructive upbringing of the child.

We work alongside the family. In the interests of each other, respectful and appreciative interaction is desired. This requires an open and trusting relationship.

Since parents are primarily caregivers and specialists for their child, cooperation with the daycare center is necessary in carrying out their educational and upbringing tasks.

In our educational partnership, we always listen to families' concerns and work together in a solution-oriented manner. We strive to strengthen parenting skills through discussions about child development, provide information about age-appropriate employment opportunities, games, books and help parents with a migrant background find a translation into German.

In order to get a transparent impression of the work in our daycare center, there is the possibility of shadowing.

To ensure a good exchange, we offer the following discussions:

  • Arrangements in the door and fishing talks (brief information)
  • Development discussions
  • Parent-teacher conference days
  • Quint (quality development integration place)
  • As needed
  • Admission interviews
  • Complaint discussions

We also offer parents' evenings to share new information, report from the groups and exchange ideas.

We wish you active participation in parents' evenings and parent-teacher conferences. Parents and families have the opportunity to actively support parties/celebrations, action days and projects.

We give parents the opportunity to actively participate in maintaining our daycare center by organizing garden activity days.



Würzburg training program

In order to make it easier for children to start learning to read and write, the Würzburg training program is regularly offered to preschool children.

The children meet in small groups for ten minutes each about two to three times a week.

There they are playfully introduced to sounds, rhymes, sentences, words, syllables, initial sounds and how to make sounds. Children have sufficient vocabulary, but they focus exclusively on the meaning and content of what is said.

Through the training, they learn to divide what is said into individual words and sounds and thereby deal with the form and structure of language

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 19/06/2024 07:41:52)


Latest news from the DRK Daycare Center "Wigand-Gerstenberg":

Kinderkleider- und Spielzeug-Basar in der DRK-Kita „Wigand Gerstenberg“ in Frankenberg


Celebrate holidays

Traditionally, various festivals are celebrated during the kindergarten year. These are the celebratory highlights of our daycare community. We celebrate celebrations only with the children and celebrations in the community with parents/family and friends.

It is important to us to convey the origin and background of the respective festival in terms of general education. We convey a piece of culture and tradition and recurring rituals.

In addition, some festivals are celebrated with family and friends to strengthen community and togetherness.

Individual child’s birthdays are a special event. The focus is on the birthday child in order to show each person special appreciation. It learns to deal with different emotions, positions and situations.

Farewells and the annual financial statements of the individual groups are just as important to us. Celebrations bring us joy and strengthen the sense of community.

Holiday Care

Opening times and closing times

The “Wigand - Gerstenberg” daycare center is run as a full-day daycare center with lunch catering in accordance with the Hessian Kindergarten Act.

It is open Monday to Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m./4:30 p.m. and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.


The closing times of the “Wigand Gerstenberg” daycare center will be announced in time.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 19/06/2024 07:41:52)


Admission is based on date of birth, regardless of registration date.

Primarily all children who live in Frankenberg (Eder), as well as children from the forest villages of Rodenbach, Hommershausen and Wangershausen, the districts of Schreufa and Röddenau and other districts of Frankenberg.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 19/06/2024 07:41:52)

Description and Stations

Our daycare center is located in the residential area “Am Schräling” right next to the Wigand-Gerstenberg elementary school and within walking distance of the forest.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 19/06/2024 07:41:52)

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