Tageselternverein Kreis Esslingen e.V.

0-3 Jahre, 3-14 Jahre ergänzend zu Kindertageseinrichtung/Schule

Tageselternverein Kreis Esslingen e.V.
Bernhäuser Hauptstr. 43
70794 Filderstadt
Funding authority
Tageselternverein Kreis Esslingen e.V.
Bernhäuser Hauptstr. 43
70794 Filderstadt
0711 4692177-26 (Julia Schneider (Bernhausen))
0711 4692177-23 (Alisha Wolfer (Bonlanden))
0711 4692177-22 (Anke Klatt (Harthausen, Plattenhardt, Sielmingen))
Opening times12:00 AM - 11:45 PM o'clock
at Weekends12:00 AM - 11:45 PM o'clock
early care12:00 AM - 11:45 PM o'clock
late care12:00 AM - 11:45 PM o'clock
Closing daysBei Urlaub und Krankheit der Tagespflegeperson sind Vertretungen möglich.
Foreign languages German (bilingual concept)
Extras care with lunch, flexible care, full day care, overnight care
Pets Einige Tagespflegepersonen haben Haustiere.


The children's day care offers children, especially in the first
years of life, a care where their individual

Children's day care is suitable for children from 0-14 years, from 3 years upwards to Kindergarten / School.

This day care is mostly in the household of the day family. Day care in other suitable rooms
(once in Filderstadt) or in the
Parents' household are additional, however
rarer forms of care.

What is the cost of care?
The parent contribution is based on the cost contribution table
of the Landkreis Esslingen according to the care time.
In addition, the city of Filderstadt is providing support
still for the under three - year - old  by the model U3 of the
City of Filderstadt

We are happy to help!


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 08:34:46)