About us:
The Thalermühle e.V. daycare center, founded in 1968, for children aged 10 months to 3 years, is run by a small, independent parents' association in cooperation with trained educators. As an association, we are an independent provider of youth welfare and are recognized as a non-profit organization.
The focus of our work is always the toddler with his or her individual needs, abilities, skills and interests.
One of our educational focuses is above all on loving relationship work, strengthening social relationships between children and creatively supporting children towards independence. For us, the focus is on responding to the individual development needs of each child and trusting in the potential of the children that develops in this educational and learning process.
We consciously do not see ourselves as a service company, but rely on the active commitment and independent commitment of the parents. The prerequisite for the functioning of a small parents' association is the commitment of the parents, their cooperation and participation. We would like parents to support the association with their ideas and individual possibilities. In addition to the free participation, there are also mandatory tasks (e.g. taking turns to provide breakfast for the children's group at regular intervals). Our facility does not just want to be a place to stay, but primarily a social experience and adventure space for children.
The crèche team:
Our 4-person educational team is made up of 2 teachers and 2 child care workers. The family atmosphere of our Thalermühle e.V. crèche is created on the one hand by the team's 20 years of collaboration and on the other hand by the loving and creative support of the children towards independence.
The employees' many years of professional experience ensure high-quality educational work.