AWO Kinderhaus Kleiner Stern

AWO Kinderhaus Kleiner Stern
Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 15
91052 Erlangen
Funding authority
AWO Kreisverband Erlangen Höchstadt e.V.
Michael-Vogel-Str. 26
91052 Erlangen
09131 98967-0
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days02.05.2025 Brückentag / 30.05.2025 Brückentag /
16.06.-20.06.2025 Pfingsten /
05.06.-06.06.2025 Sommerferien /
25.08.-26.08.2025 Planungstage /
22.12.25-06.01.26 Weihnachten
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, livebased approach, Montessori education, nature education, project approach, Situation approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, care with lunch, cooperation facility, language education

Current information

Dear parents

The allocation of places 2025 for the crèche (6 months to 3 years) has begun, there are currently places available from September. Our kindergarten is fully booked until further notice, all 25 places are taken!

As a cooperation partner, we primarily offer free places to FAU and UKER employees. Therefore, please always state your employer when requesting a place so that we can take this into account.

At the same time as offering you a place, we will invite you to our children's home to answer your questions, talk about everything relevant and show you around our entire building.

Your team from AWO Kinderhaus Kleinen Stern


We give the children in our nursery a structure and therefore stability and security, from which they can actively engage with their environment and thus develop independence and gain experience.

We look after children aged 0.5 to 3 years in our 7 crèche groups, each with 12 full-day places (contingent places: FAU, University Hospital)

House 1: Star group, moon group, cloud group,
House 2: hedgehog group, mouse group, butterfly group, bee group

In our kindergarten group with 25 places, we look after children from the age of 3 until they start school (contingent places: FAU, University Hospital).

House 1: Sun group

Indoor and outdoor play and play phases form the basis for children's self-initiated educational processes. We offer plenty of space for movement in our garden and in the gym. Our Snoezel room with its multifunctional concept promotes inner peace and well-being.

The minimum booking time is more than 3 hours to 4 hours a day for a 5-day week.

Closing times:
1. Christmas = 2 weeks
2. Easter or Whitsun = 1 week
3. summer vacation = 3 weeks
4. bridge days = 2 days (approx.)
5. training days = 1 to 5 days
Two days following the summer vacation are follow-up and preparation days for the staff. All closing days will be announced in good time in the parents' letter!!!

Daily Schedule

Drop-off and pick-up times
07.00 - 08.45 a.m. Drop-off time in the morning (with handover meeting, by 8.45 a.m. at the latest)

08.45 - 12.15 Educational working time (core time)
Bringing and collecting children during this time is only possible in exceptional cases and by arrangement!

12.15 - 17.00 Pick-up time (with handover meeting, until the booked time)

On Fridays we are only open until 16:30.

You can view our detailed protection concept and design on our website!


Fresh food is cooked for the children every day in our in-house kitchen and food is provided for all meals.
We offer a set table in each group in the morning, at lunchtime and in the afternoon and the children can choose their food according to their level of development, take it onto their plate independently and prepare and eat it with the appropriate cutlery.
The menus for all meals are available to view and are displayed in the groups.

We pay attention to health and balance in the food we offer:

partly organic food / seasonal fresh food
Food without additives (flavor enhancers, colorings, preservatives...)
Mild, toddler-friendly dishes = sparing use of sugar and spices
Food groups: Proteins, carbohydrates, dairy products, fruit and vegetables
Mainly regional vegetables and seasonal fruit
approx. 1-3 times meat or sausage and 1 time fish per week (no fixed days)
approx. 1-2 times jam and muesli
Cheese, vegetable spreads, butter, bread, yogurt
Allergies, intolerances, attitudes and beliefs are taken into account.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 11/03/2025 10:05:29)