Waldkindergarten Dingolfing

2,6 Jahre bis zur Einschulung

Waldkindergarten Dingolfing
Schermauer Straße 34a
84130 Dingolfing
Funding authority
h&b learning gGmbH
Lindenstraße 22
97855 Triefenstein
Opening times7:30 AM - 2:15 PM o'clock
Specially educational concept inclusion, nature education, Wood-Pedagogy
Extras Child care with special focus on environmental education, Integrative facility

Current information

The Waldkindergarten Dingolfing was founded in 2016.

We have a mixed-age group with up to 35 children, aged 2.6 years up to first day of school.

We support and accompany our children and their parents in the forest and in joint parental work. We work according to the situation-oriented approach and live our values. We support our little personalities with their strengths and weaknesses and accept them as they are.

Our children increasingly have to “function” in our fast-moving society. We want to counteract this by giving the children time and space and accompanying them lovingly. In this way, these young personalities can grow and mature, gain their own experiences and strengthen their self-confidence.

In the Waldkindergarten, as educators and specialists, we take the children by the hand when needed and provide help when things get difficult. This allows them to fully immerse themselves in their free play and explore, discover and understand their environment with all their senses.​

Offered care types at Mar 27, 2025:

Kind of care