Kinderhaus Riederau

Altersstufen 1 Jahr (in der Kinderkrippe) und vom Kindergartenalter bis zum Übertritt in die Schule; Mittagsbetreuung von der ersten bis vierten Klasse

Kinderhaus Riederau
Schulanger 4
86911 Dießen am Ammersee
Funding authority
Markt Dießen am Ammersee
Marktplatz 1
86911 Dießen am Ammersee
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days30 Tage pro Jahr
Specially educational concept partially open concept
Extras care with lunch

Current information

For current and further information, please refer to our homepage of the Kinderhaus Riederau


On the southwest bank of Lake Ammersee lies the small, natural town of Riederau, part of the market town of Diessen. The Riederau children's home is located in the heart of the town, within walking distance of adjacent forests, meadows and Lake Ammersee. It was built in 2005, expanded to include another kindergarten group in 2020 and another crèche group in 2023.

A total of 111 children can currently be looked after in the children's home, divided into three kindergarten groups with 25 places each, two crèche groups with one 15 places and one with 11 places and 10 places in school child care. These five groups are divided into three locations in the immediate vicinity - one Main house with two outbuildings:

-the main building with three kindergarten groups and school child care Directly opposite the children's house

- as an annex - there is a container facility with a crèche group On the opposite side - as a second outbuilding

- there is another nativity scene group in the former old town hall.

The children's house, like the kindergarten in Dettenschwang, is run by the municipality of the market town of Diessen am Ammersee.

In our work, it is important to us to have a personal encounter and relationship with you and your children that is characterized by appreciation and respect. Trustful cooperation, personal commitment and professional competence also play a major role for us.

The principle of “living and learning together” can be felt everywhere in our daily work. For each age group, we have developed concepts for the respective needs and requirements of your child/children, which include, among other things, fixed structures, constant caregivers and recurring phases in the daily routine. This also includes individual support measures, small group offers and various projects. In addition, we will help you to get used to our crèche or kindergarten group in a sensitive way that is tailored to your child's individual needs.

Our project work includes, among other things, forest days, various art offers in our small artist studio or offers from the “Little Researchers” and various elements from Montessori education.

Our partially open concept offers cross-group work starting in the afternoon care. Our children learn early on how to interact with older and younger people, and not just by taking on sponsorships. In this way, we teach each other important values of living together, such as consideration, mutual support and polite cooperation.

Opening hours on weekdays

Monday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m

Tuesday 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m

Wednesday 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m

Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m

Friday 7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m

Early shift Mon; Thu 7:30am Tue, Wed, Fri 7:00 a.m

Closing days

32 days per year


The Kinderhaus is a bright, open house with different rooms for different activities. The three kindergarten groups are located in the main house and are all connected to each other. Each group room has an adjoining room that can be used individually, as well as a gallery. In addition to a small gymnasium, the Kinderhaus has two rooms for individual support activities or small group activities. Opposite the children's house, we have moved our crèche into an adjacent building in the form of a container since 2020. This has its own little realm and also has various rooms, such as a large group room, a gymnastics and activities area and a sleeping room. A small garden with a large sandbox is directly attached to the container.

Outdoor Facilities

Our garden

In the centre of our garden is a large sandy area which is used by our children for mudding, building and digging. Adjacent to it are our large wicker tepee and a slide with an integrated tunnel.  A suspension bridge, a nest swing and a climbing wall round off the outdoor play facilities.

Our large garden invites the children to play freely, and they can engage in a variety of activities here, using all their senses. Our large terrace, which is adjacent to each of the kindergarten group rooms, also offers various opportunities for play and rest.

In the large wooden shed there are various vehicles and sand toys. In summer, a water play station is used in our garden. 

Daily Schedule

Our daily routine:

The daily routine in the Kinderhaus is structured similarly in all four groups.

We start at 7 a.m. every day with the early service in the sun group (kindergarten group or preschool group). All the children from our four groups who have booked early duty are cared for there.

At 8 a.m., the other groups open.

Bring time ends at 8:30 a.m. in the kindergarten groups, and at 9 a.m. in our daycare center.

This is followed by a morning circle in the respective group, lasting about 30 minutes.

Afterwards, breakfast is served together. In our crèche group this takes place in reverse order, first breakfast and then morning circle.

Directly afterwards, the free play time begins with various activities. We like to offer "creative tables" with painting and handicrafts, or elements from the Montessori pedagogy. Likewise, various table games are introduced and offered, or individual, pedagogical offers take place in small groups.

Once a week we offer our children a session in our gymnasium, either in small groups or in the whole group. The joy of movement and play as well as togetherness are important to us. In the same way, we incorporate an almost daily reading time. Either by means of picture books, suitable for our project theme, or by means of a storytelling theater, a so-called Kamishibai.

Afterwards, all kindergarten groups go to our garden and play together without separation by age group.

From 12 noon, the first pick-up time for the "non-food children" takes place, and from 12:30 lunch is served for the remaining children in our Kinderhaus.

After a lunch break, which is arranged individually according to the needs of each group, the second pick-up phase begins at 2 pm.

At 2:15 p.m., the afternoon begins for the remaining children in the Kinderhaus with free play time in the garden or Kinderhaus. During this time, our children are mixed across groups.  Here, too, various activities take place according to the children's needs. After a small snack together, the last pick-up phase in the Kinderhaus begins.


Our food in the children's house:

In the Kinderhaus, great importance is attached to a healthy and varied diet for our children.

Therefore, the various meals are always eaten together in the respective group.

The common breakfast takes place after the morning circle. The children bring their own breakfast, depending on their appetite. We are also happy to organise a jointly prepared healthy breakfast at regular intervals and, for example, bake bread with our children.

Lunch is provided by ALBRECHTHOF, Catering & Menü GmbH. This enables us to offer a varied lunch from Monday to Friday, five days a week. Here it is important to us that our children develop joy and enthusiasm for their food and enjoy the social get-together.

In the afternoon, our children have a small lunch break.  The snack is given to the children by their parents, just like breakfast.

Our children always have the opportunity to drink at any time.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 24/07/2024 11:32:17)