Kindertagesstätte St. Barbara


Kindertagesstätte St. Barbara
Uhlandstraße 19
49401 Damme
Funding authority
Katholischer Kirchengemeindeverband Pastoraler Raum Damme
Kirchplatz 19
49401 Damme
05491/2256 (Frau Sandra Hillebrand)
Opening times7:00 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
early care7:00 AM - 8:00 AM o'clock
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, inclusion, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach, Wood-Pedagogy
Extras Barrier-free, Child care for physical education, Integrative facility, Pets, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs, full day care
Pets Hühner

Current information



Our day care center St. Barbara-Glückauf is an institution of the catholic parish St. Viktor in Damme and is located in a settlement area near the center of the village. Up to 115 children can be cared for in our facility.



Outdoor Facilities

Outdoor facilities

Our outdoor area is designed close to nature to provide the children with extensive opportunities for movement and sensory perception.

In free play they can engage in different areas and with various materials.

We are particularly concerned that children spend a lot of time in the fresh air and in movement, therefore the playground is available to them the whole morning, by arrangement with the educators.


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Daily Schedule

Daily schedule

No two mornings at the daycare center are alike, but the structure that gives the children security and trust is the same every day.

The children are brought to the day care center in the morning until 8.30 am. After the welcome they can start playing. In the morning circle, which takes place once a week, more often if necessary, and in the crèche area almost daily, we discuss the day together. The children decide which song to sing, which game to play or which prayer to say.

After the settling-in period, each child decides after consultation with the group educators where, what, how long, with whom they want to play and when they want to have breakfast.

Each group, including the cribs, has access to the gym for group gymnastics once a week.

Lunch for the children from the three full-day groups is served in the two children's cafes of the facility.

The children from the full-day groups continue their play after a rest period.



Common meals in the crèche and kindergarten

The breakfast

Breakfast takes place in the café of the nursery and kindergarten in the company of an educator. In both areas, we set the tables together with the children and make sure that the atmosphere is comfortable.

Every day we provide the children with a small selection of fruit, vegetables and drinks. Additionally, we offer them yogurt two days a week.

Independent action, freedom of choice and good table manners are the main focus.


The lunch

In the children's café of the crèches and kindergarten, the children from the all-day area take part in the lunch that is supplied to us by an external provider.

Once a week our housekeeper cooks a healthy and delicious meal together with the participating kindergarten children. From a varying selection of dishes, the children can decide what is cooked together and what dessert is served.

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Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 11/02/2025 13:47:37)