Familienzentrum "Kreismäuse in der Marienstraße"

0,4 Jahre bis zum Eintritt in die Grundschule / from 0,4 years to primary school age

Familienzentrum "Kreismäuse in der Marienstraße"
Marienstraße 17
52351 Düren
Funding authority
Kindertagesbetreuung Kreismäuse AöR
Bismarckstraße 16
52348 Düren
02421/22-1083100 (Barbara Jahn)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
early care7:00 AM - 7:30 AM o'clock
late care4:30 PM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysAktuelle Schließungszeiten auf der Website www.kreis-dueren.de /

Current closing days available on www.kreis-dueren.de
Foreign languages English (bilingual concept)
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, inclusion, Kinderkunsthaus, Montessori education, nature education, project approach, Science/Project methods, Situation orientated approach, Wood-Pedagogy
Extras Barrier-free, Child care for physical education, Integrative facility, care with lunch, company Kindergarten, ergotherapy, family counseling, for children with special educational needs, full day care, language education

Current information


Play, music, gymnastics, learning and fun –

                                                                        – in a modern child daycare in Kreis Düren.

In 2006 the district administration of Düren started offering under-3 child care – initially as a pilot project. It was then not yet clear what we now know today:

An essential building block of family and work compatibility had been created. It was a building block that would develop into the daycare facility „Kreismäuse in der Marienstraße“ in summer 2018 with seven groups and a modern, clear-cut and pedagogically grounded concept and building. Since January 2022  now underthe sponsorship of the child day care Kreismäuse AöR, 130 places for children from 4 months to primary school age – for all children in the city as well as the district of Düren.

We, the „Kreismäuse in der Marienstraße“ , would be happy to inform you about our concept: "Focus on the child"


Following the guiding principle „the child at the very heart“, we have constructed and designed our building for CHILDREN.

The child daycare facility „Kreismäuse in der Marienstraße“ has seven groups spread across the ground and first floor of building E of Kreisverwaltung Düren, which can be accessed by the in-house staircase as well as the elevator.

The ground floor accomodates two groups of group form II (4 months to 3 years). The first floor accomodates five more groups, three of which are group form III (3 years to primary school age) and two of group form I (2 years to primary school age).

The rooms are divided into playing areas that provide a generous, exciting and eventful learning arena for the child to experience, try out and explore. The professionally compiled room concept offers stimuli as well as security, because a room and ist design play a major role in how the child finds its way in its environment, how it moves and how it develops a sense of security and comfort.

The children themselves and their actions we observe show us time and time again that a room concept is never finished but ever changing. It has an impact on our well-being and nurtures our perception, our interaction and our communication.

Each of the seven group rooms leads to a respective storeroom as well as a side room, which is designed to the childrens‘ needs. All group rooms are equipped with a kitchenette, so the children can here practice their first housework tasks, by themselves or guided. Furthermore, the group forms I and II have respective quiet rooms for the children to meet their natural need for rest.

The rooms are designed and arranged into playing areas with imagination, leaving room for change. There are individual areas for roleplay, construction, crafts, works, projects as well as an atelier and a Snoezelen room. Open shelves and cupboards offer the children a consciously reduced array of play material from all educational fields. As is possible room-wise and staff-wise, the children can work and experiment with various tools and elements (such as hand drills, hammers, pliers, saws, nails, magnets, sand or water).

Each group has access to a respective washroom with a shower as well as toilets and washbasins customised for children. In addition, the children of group forms I and II have access to separate nursing rooms, in which each child has its own cupboard for diapers and nursing utensils. The wardrobes are placed in the corridors. Here each child has enough room for shoes, hats, sunscreen, gym bags, etc.

Our spacious information board informs parents of current themes, projects, events, dates as well as our weekly changing meal plan.

The ground floor furthermore accomodates a multipurpose room used by all groups for gymnastics and exercise as well as a water play room for the children to experiment and become familiar with the element water no matter the weather. Moreover, both floors have spacious play corridors with various playing equipment (shop, reading area, sitting area). We also have an office, a staff room, a therapy room, staff and visitor bathrooms, a parents‘ café, various storage rooms, a canteen kitchen with separate delivery and rinsing areas as well as a conference room. The rooms‘ generous allocation and brightness create an atmosphere in which everyone feels comfortable.



Outdoor Facilities

Owing to our location at the heart of the city, our outside area is naturally limited in size. This is why we have installed three high-quality playground apparati that compensate for the lack of expanse with structural finesse and explorer-friendly design.

Our outside area invites the children to run, frolic and climb. On two modern 3-tower-modules with bridges the children can develop and strengthen their motoric and cognitive skills through balancing, climbing and jumping.

There are a number of slides available to the children, the large tunnel slide at the side of the building being an absolute highlight. Our large variety of vehicles encourages exercise and role play. The generous sand area, which includes a mud play module, provides lots of room for play and experiment with the elements water and sand. Thanks to the versatile and well-grounded materials, the children can let their imagination run free on our outside grounds.



A healthy diet is essential to keeping our body healthy. We take great care of a healthy and diversified diet. The children take part in choosing and preparing our meals and can choose between various healthy foods and meals. Here they can test their sensory perception sufficiently. We provide beverages such as mineral water, milk and tea. The child learns of different foods and their nutritional values and learns to distinguish foods by their appearance, smell and taste. The child learns to drink from a glass autonomously. It practices eating on its own, expresses its food and drink requests, names cutlery and dishes, learns how to handle them, remains seated until the meal is finished and helps to clean up. Together with the children we establish table rules and provide for a relaxed and talkative atmosphere during meals. In the course of block opening hours and the extension of full-day places lunchtime has matured into another main focus of child daycare.

Appropriate eating habits contribute to our health. That is why we provide good and top-quality meals that are freshly prepared and delivered every day.

It is our goal for the children to take their meals in a homely atmosphere and feel part of the community.

In all seven groups, the children have daily repeating eating rituals. The tables are set appealing so that a pleasant atmosphere is created and lunchtime is made a sensual experience.

Including preferences in the meal composition and occasional „wish days“ are important components of this familial circle. The use of cutlery – which greatly fosters eye-hand coordination – is continuously strengthened.

Especially with food a child can make many own decisions, communicate its needs and experience an inner satisfaction. Acting autonomously and mindfully and respecting wishes in basic needs can let mental strength (resilience) grow.

We take into account the correlation of diet, exercise and health and follow the quality criteria of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V. (DGE).

With the balanced diet we offer in our daycare, your child will receive everything it needs to grow, learn and frolic.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 25/05/2022 10:33:37)