Krippe "Wiesenzwerge"

Krippe "Wiesenzwerge"
Am Schützenhaus 1
35510 Butzbach
Funding authority
Magistrat der Stadt Butzbach
Marktplatz 1
35510 Butzbach
06033 9756809
Opening times7:00 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock

Current information


Who we are:
The Wiesenzwerge daycare center is one of three facilities at Kinderhaus Pusteblume. We can care for up to 50 children aged one to three years in 5 groups.

What we offer:
- Acclimatization according to the Berlin acclimatization model.
- Loving care in fixed groups with motivated staff
- Daily recurring rituals

What makes us special?
The proximity to the forest and the good cooperation with our support association.


We obtain our lunch from Kochfabrik Wetterau, which supplies us with fresh food every day. For breakfast, which the children bring from home, we pay attention to healthy, chewable and sugar-free foods.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 04/02/2025 09:48:23)