Kindertagesstätte "Welt-Entdecker"

Kindertagesstätte "Welt-Entdecker"
Am Lustgarten 1
35510 Butzbach
Funding authority
Magistrat der Stadt Butzbach
Marktplatz 1
35510 Butzbach
06033/9743871 (Stefanie Hedderich)
Opening times7:00 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysDie Kindertagesstätte schließt in der Regel drei Wochen in den Sommerferien und zwischen dem Jahreswechsel. Dazu können noch Grundreinigungs- und Konzeptionstage kommen.

Current information


Who we are:

Our current location offers space for up to 24 crèche children and 50 children aged 3 years to school entry, who can be cared for in 4 groups.

What we offer:

  • special rooms, which invite to various play and learning possibilities
  • appreciative developmental support
  • smooth transition from nursery to kindergarten



We get our lunch from the "ZAUG", who provide us with a varied, child-friendly lunch every day.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 22/02/2024 15:29:56)