Kindertagesstätte "Welt-Entdecker"

Kindertagesstätte "Welt-Entdecker"
Am Lustgarten 1
35510 Butzbach
Funding authority
Magistrat der Stadt Butzbach
Marktplatz 1
35510 Butzbach
06033/9743871 (Janina Nern)
06033/9743871 (Marigona Bese)
Opening times7:00 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysDie Kindertagesstätte schließt in der Regel drei Wochen in den Sommerferien und zwischen dem Jahreswechsel. Dazu können noch Grundreinigungs- und Konzeptionstage kommen.

Current information


Who we are:

Our current location offers space for up to 24 crèche children and 50 children aged 3 years to school entry, who can be cared for in 4 groups.

What we offer:

  • special rooms, which invite to various play and learning possibilities
  • appreciative developmental support
  • smooth transition from nursery to kindergarten



We get our lunch from the "ZAUG", who provide us with a varied, child-friendly lunch every day.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 22/02/2024 15:29:56)


Through our individual work in the focus areas of emotionality, social behavior, independence, language and movement, the children have the opportunity to find their way into self-motivated play and thereby daily expand and consolidate their knowledge and experiences on their own. It is important to us that both children with and without disabilities, of different nationalities and faiths are supported holistically. This means that they are allowed to experience and shape their environment with all their senses.

Teamwork with school

We care for children who will attend the city school as well as children who will transfer to the Degerfeld School at age 5. We work closely with both schools to help children and parents make a good transition from daycare to school.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 22/02/2024 15:29:56)

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