Evangelische Kindertagesstätte Butzbach

1 - 3 Jahre 3 - 6 Jahre (Schuleintritt)

Evangelische Kindertagesstätte Butzbach
Schillerstr. 18
35510 Butzbach
Funding authority
Evangelische Markuskirchengemeinde Butzbach
Kirchplatz 12
35510 Butzbach
06033/5286 (Petra Achtner / Dörte Reuhl)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days24 Tage
(Die letzten 3 Wochen der Sommerferien, zwischen Weihnachten und Silvester, weitere Tage werden im Voraus veröffentlicht.)
Foreign languages German, English, Russian
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, inclusion, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, Parents center, care with lunch, full day care
Pets Aquarium


"We are an Evangelical day care center for all children"

Our house is nestled in gardens, in the middle of a residential area with many single-family houses, in the heart of Butzbach. The outdoor area invites the children to a variety of fun-moving and research. The hallway and the gym encourage the children to play with a lot of movement. In our facility there are three kindergarten and one nativity group.

In all groups, girls and boys of different ages, cultures and religions play and learn together. We see our pedagogical work as a support and complement to parental parenting work. An open and cooperative cooperation with parents is therefore an indispensable part of the success of our work and the meaningful promotion of their children.

Our offers and our goals are based on pedagogical foundations, with the help of which we carry out the care, education and education of the children. These include, first and foremost, education in the Christian spirit, in accordance with the values of the Christian faith and towards a lived, everyday religiosity of the children. We are particularly concerned about the integration of children with disabilities into the groups of our day care centre. If possible, we take into account the living situation and the needs of the children and their families.


Breakfast: The children bring a healthy, balanced breakfast from home. They have the opportunity to eat this in small groups of their own choosing in the breakfast area. At regular intervals, each group offers a joint breakfast.


Lunch: All children can participate in lunch. Our cooks prepare a freshly cooked meal every day. The price for this is 3€, in addition there is a monthly staff contribution of 26€.


Snack: From Monday to Thursday, the children receive a small snack consisting of fruit, raw vegetables or small pastries around 14:30. We collect 1€ per week for this.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 08:02:30)