The Grashüpfer forest kindergarten is located on the outskirts of Ezelsdorf, between the sports field and tennis court.
The children experience every season up close. A large construction trailer offers space to warm up in winter or even in very wet weather.
We are a one-group kindergarten with 23 little Grashüpfer (grasshoppers) from 2.5 years old until they start school. They play, splash, sing, climb and experience many wonderful things with us.
The focus of our pedagogical work is on play as a child's purpose in life. All games in the forest challenge and promote the perception and all the senses in a holistic way. The close experience of the cycle of nature challenges the children to fit into a rhythm and a system in a natural way.
The children in the forest kindergarten have many play spaces at their disposal in which they can develop cognitively, emotionally and socially.
Children experience and experience themselves directly as part of nature in the natural environment of the Forest Kindergarten. Attentiveness and respect towards fellow human beings, animals and nature in the forest are experienced daily and thus internalized.
The educational mandate of a kindergarten in general (which is defined in the Bavarian Education and Upbringing Plan (BAYKIBIG)) consists of promoting the child holistically, i.e. his or her entire personality. The focus is on skills and abilities whose development is promoted in the facility.
These abilities and skills are.
Physical competence
Emotional stability and self-esteem
Cognitive competence
Language competence
Acquisition of values and responsibility
Appropriate behavior in a social context
School readiness
further information under forest kindergarten Grashüpfer