Evanglisches Haus für Kinder „Die Kinderarche" Burgthann

Evanglisches Haus für Kinder „Die Kinderarche" Burgthann
Mimberger Straße 41
90559 Burgthann
Funding authority
Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Burgthann
Kirchenweg 12
90559 Burgthann
09183/7587 (Kindergarten: Alexandra Hildebrand)
09183/7587 (Krippe: Betina Bankel)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysWir haben im August 3 Wochen und über Ostern 1 Woche geschlossen. Einen Tag schließen wir für unseren Betriebsausflug und einen weiteren Tag am Buß- und Bettag.
Außerdem schließen wir über Weihnachten/Neujahr.
Extras care with lunch


Our institution:

Evang. Haus für Kinder "Die Kinderarche"
Mimberger Straße 41
90559 Burgthann

Tel.: 09183/7587
E-Mail: kita.burgthann@elkb.de

Day nursery management: Betina Bankel

E-Mail: Kita.burgthann.krippe@elkb.de

Kindergarten management: Alexandra Hildebrand

E-mail: Kita.burgthann.kiga@elkb.de

Our sponsor is the Evangelical-Lutheran church community in Burgthann

Our opening hours:

Mon-Thurs: 7.00 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.

Fr: 7.00 a.m. - 3.30 p.m.

Closing days:

We are usually closed 3 weeks in August, one week at Easter and over Christmas. We also add the Day of Penance and Prayer, as well as another day for the company outing.

Group Division:

We have 2 sections - crèche (0-3 years) and kindergarten (3-6 years). 
In the crèche there are 2 groups with 13 children each and in the kindergarten there are 4 groups with 25 children each. A total of 2 integrative places can be filled.


Minimum enrollment in both areas is 4-5 hours per day. All children who turned three in the previous year receive a monthly subsidy of 100 euros towards the parental contribution from the Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Labor and Social Affairs. State Ministry for Family, Labor and Social Affairs. The contribution for the second child is reduced because there is a sibling regulation: The youngest child in the House for Children is counted as the first. The reduced contribution for the second child depends on its age (daycare or kindergarten contribution). The 3rd child is tuition-free.


4-5 hours = 200 euros, 5-6 hours = 225 euros ... up to a maximum of 9-10 hours = 325 euros


4-5 hours = 120 euros, 5-6 hours = 130 euros ... up to a maximum of 9-10 hours = 170 Euro

Goals Kindergarten

"We see ourselves as a family-supplementing institution with the claim to education, upbringing and care of children. The work in our kindergarten is based on Christian principles.

The Bavarian Education Plan (BEP) forms the basis for our pedagogical activities."

The facility places great emphasis on the development of the basic competencies written in the BEP. Basic competencies are defined as fundamental skills and personality characteristics that enable the child to interact with other children and adults and to deal with the conditions in his or her material environment.

Structure of offers and focal points in the kindergarten

There are different offers in the institution, which take place regularly. For example, there is gymnastics in our gymnasium, which focuses on body awareness and movement.

The handicraft activities in the individual groups focus on the joy of creative design and aesthetics.

Through the church services held by the external specialist Irene Wagner and the religious education, which, for example, praying before meals or taking up Christian festivals, the development of a Christian image of man is to be promoted.

The weekly English program offered by the external specialist Hermann Kürschner promotes the focus on "further development of the language through appropriate programs".

In addition, the offer of early musical education by Mr. Norbert Hiller from the Musikforum Burgthann takes place once a week. The children can register for the course depending on their interest.

Within the group, preschool education takes place regularly. Here the focus is on school preparation and promotion of the cognitive areas.

The Würzburg language model "Listen-Listen-Learn" or the language model "Wuppi" (= group individual) is also offered for the preschool children. The children are offered various games in small groups for 10 to 15 minutes a day, if possible, in which they playfully learn how to listen, rhyme, sentences, words, syllables and individual sounds in words.

Other activities take place sporadically and individually. There are cooking activities, experiments, excursions and much more.

Environmental education is also an important focus in our facility.


Goals of the nursery:

We offer children space and time to learn and develop with all their senses.

In our facility, we want to offer a protected and secure environment in which the children have the opportunity to make social contacts and develop emotionally.

Familiarization in the daycare center

Our acclimation is based on the "Berlin Model". The start dates are offered in staggered intervals. This allows us to deal with the children in a positive and attentive manner.

A good settling-in period is the basis for a good relationship with the caregivers in the facility.

Each child has his or her own pace and way of dealing with the development of a bond.

The acclimation is complete when the child moves safely and independently in the Gruooe and finds its way around in everyday life.


Focal points and activities in the nursery

We see the children as little conquerors of their environment. They discover it with all the skills, strengths and weaknesses they have brought with them.

With their innate curiosity, children learn casually, playfully and with all their senses from the very beginning. We see ourselves as developmental companions in this process by observing, accompanying and encouraging it.

Project work lends itself well to our nursery because we work "partially open". This means that we have a group at drop-off time and a group at pick-up time. Here both groups are united.    Our projects are time-limited, age-specific and planned differently (language, motor skills, creativity, etc.).

Diapering always contributes to a loving relationship between child and educator.                                                   When changing diapers, it is important to us that this takes place in a low-stimulus and calm situation. In order to allow the child to feel and perceive its physical processes, we do not change the diapers according to a schedule, but as needed.   

                                                                                                                                                                                                   In our nursery there is a bed or a sleeping nest available for each child.

This bed is also reserved for only one child and accompanies him/her until the end of his/her time in the nursery or until he/she no longer demands sleep.

All children can go to sleep according to their needs and rhythm, i.e. those who already need their sleep in the morning may lie down.

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Premises of the kindergarten

The kindergarten is divided into two levels and separated from the nursery by a connecting door, and is therefore considered a "house of its own". On the first floor is the large entrance hall with a staircase to the second floor. It is equipped with play facilities such as a construction carpet, a Playmobil corner and a ball pool. The hall is used by all groups during playtime in bad weather.

On the first floor are three of the four group rooms with associated checkrooms. Each group room has a second play level made of wood, which can be set up and used individually as play corners. Furthermore, there are two bathrooms and an office on the first floor.

On the second floor is the fourth group, which has its own bathroom.

The gymnasium is also located upstairs and is equipped with a climbing wall and many gymnastic materials.

Special highlights in the house are the MagFormer room and the Playmobil room, as well as our Snoozle room for relaxing and exploring.

There is also the staff room and an intensive room, which can be used for various offers or for the purpose of early intervention.


Premises of the nursery

The crèche building is a circular building. It is connected to the kindergarten by a connecting door and is therefore considered a "house of its own".

There are two group rooms in the nursery, which are connected to each other with a connecting door. Both rooms are equipped with a dining area and play areas, which are individually equipped with play materials.

Opposite the group rooms is the children's bathroom with changing table, sink and toilets.

 Next to the group rooms there is a common bedroom, with bunk beds and sleeping nests, as well as the respective wardrobes and the office.

In the entrance area of the nursery, an additional play area has been created, which is used for group work and free play.

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Outdoor Facilities

Outdoor area kindergarten

The garden contains a sandbox, a large climbing frame with a wobbly bridge and slide, a small climbing frame, a seesaw, a large meadow area, an area with a solid base for playing soccer and riding tricycles, and a tool shed for sand toys, vehicles, and smaller toys. In 2020, the outdoor area was partially redesigned and rebuilt. Since then, we now have our large Ark ship in the garden with a large sand area with "driftwood", which is reminiscent of a large sea. A wide big slide as well as various balancing and climbing possibilities have also been added. Another highlight is the Bobby-Car track, which the children drive on with the big vehicles.


Outdoor area of the day nursery

In the garden of the nursery there is a large sandbox with sand toys, a nest swing and a terrace for Bobby-Car driving.

In the back of the garden there is a newly planted area with fruit bushes such as jonquils, raspberries and strawberries and an apple tree.

In the entrance area of the nursery there is also a small garden with apple trees and a flower bed.

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Daily Schedule

Daily routine in the kindergarten

7.00 - 8.30 a.m.: Bring time 

8.30 - 8.45 a.m.: Morning circle 

8.45 - 12.00: Breakfast, free play time, various pedagogical offers

12.00 - 12.30: Time for lunch

12.30 - 16.30: Continuous pick-up possible, external offers


Daily routine in the day nursery

7.00 - 8.30 a.m.: Bring time

8.45 - 9.00 a.m. Morning circle

9.00 - 12.30:  Free play, activities, offers, care

11.30 - 12.00: Lunch

12.15 - 14.30: Bedtime 

12.30 - 16.30: Continuous pick-up time possible


Food in the kindergarten and the nursery

For breakfast and afternoon snack, each child brings a healthy snack from home.

At noon, the warm meal is delivered by "Partyservice & Catering Andreas Schöll" from Pyrbaum/Seligenporten. The food is ordered through the online food portal "kitafino". The cost is 3.10 euros per meal.

In addition, there is always a vegetarian or Muslim version for meat dishes, which can be booked individually. 

For the youngest children in the nursery it is possible to heat up complementary food in a separate room.

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Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 10:37:35)