Evanglischer Kindergarten und Kinderkrippe Ezelsdorf "Die Ezelmäuse"

Wir betreuen Kinder im Alter von 8 Wochen bis sechs Jahren

Evanglischer Kindergarten und Kinderkrippe Ezelsdorf "Die Ezelmäuse"
Martin-Luther-Platz 1
90559 Burgthann
Funding authority
Evang. Gemeindediakonieverein Oberferrieden - Postbauer-Heng e.V.
Nürnberger Straße 47
90559 Burgthann
09188 861 (Lisa Körner)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysDrei Wochen im August

zwischen Weihnachten und Hl. Drei Könige

1 Tag Betriebsausflug
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept Montessori education, nature education, partially open concept, Emmi Pikler, project approach, Situation orientated approach
Therapeutic support early advancement
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, flexible care, full day care

Current information


Our day care & nursery are one of the three facilities of the "Evangelical Community Deaconry Association Oberferrieden-Postbauer-Heng". The facility consists of two separate buildings, which are diagonally opposite one another in the center of Ezelsdorf next to the fire department and the Goldhut Grunschule. 

Our day care was fanded in 1977 and expanded in 2015 to include the nursery. 

In our facility we have an partially open concept,meaning the children have their "home group" with their main teacher, but they also allowed to move freely between different rooms/groups. We offer different group projects and activities during the week. 

The free play and independence of the children are a great value to us. 

As a protestant institution, we see it as our task to pass on christian values and to help the children beacome sensitive ti the worries and needs to others and to give thema a feeling for creation.

Our goal is to guide the children to a self-confident responsible and socially competent life. It is important for us to respond to the abilities and needs of the children in a developmentally appropriate way and to support them accordingly.


The nursery is built in the shape of a tent and seperated into two group rooms, a naproom and a washroom with toilets and a large changing table included, an entrance with an area to move around and a wardrobe with cubbies for the kids.

In the day care (kindergarten) is split into hree rooms, each with a private adjoining room, a large sports room, a research lab, an open kitchen, a large hallway with a wardrobe and a washroom with two toilets. 

Outdoor Facilities

The nursery and day care have seperated gardens wich the kids can use all day. 

In the nursery there is a large sandbox, a swing, a climbing frame and a small race track, which the kids can use with an assortment of tricycles, balance bikes and walking cars. There are also two miniature wooden horses for riding in the garden. 

Our day care has two gardens. The one in the front includes a swing, a sandbox, a wooden horse and pull-up bars. In the main garden there is a climbing frame with slide, a playhouse, a swing, a large sandbox, climbing trees, vehicles, two wooden horses and a mud hill. Also included is a "fox hole", where kids can work with wood.

We are also allowed to use the garden of the "Haus' der Gemeinde" which is directly across the street and great for soccer or other large outdoor activities. 

Daily Schedule

7:00 to 8:30 a.m.: Drop-off time

8:30 a.m.: Language program "Listen, Listen, Learn" for all preschoolers

8:45 a.m.: morning circle for all groups

9:00 a.m.: breakfast

9:30 a.m.: bathroom break in nursery (fresh diaper)

until approx. 11:15 a.m. in nursery and until approx. 12:15 p.m. in day care: time for educational activities, arts & crafts, sports and so on

from 11:15 to 11:30: 1st pick-up time in nursery

11:30 a.m.: lunch at nursery

12:00: nap time for nursery and beginning for open pick-up time

12:15 to 12:30: 1st pick-up time in day care

12:30 p.m.: Lunch at day care

13:00: cool dawn time with the option for sleepy kids to sleep in day care

from 13:45: open pick-up time in day care

14:00: 2nd bathroom break/changing time, start of the afternoon programm, snack time at day care, free play, time to go outside in the garden

15:00: snack time at nursery

until 16:30: free time, garden and so on


You have the possibility to register your child for a warm lunch or to bring a cold meal from home. The food in day care is delivered from our caterer "Gasthaus Zum Ludwigskanal" and cost 3.20 € per meal. You can decide on a daily basis whether or not you order food or bring it from home. The menu is posted in the day care. Only in the nursery it is possible to heat up food brought from home e. g. bottles, baby food, and so on. 

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 20/07/2022 15:17:54)