Evanglisches Haus für Kinder "Die Buchfinken" Mimberg

Evanglisches Haus für Kinder "Die Buchfinken" Mimberg
Am Buchenschlag 2
90559 Burgthann
Funding authority
Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Burgthann
Kirchenweg 12
90559 Burgthann
09183/203 (Martin Kraußeneck)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysPlanungstage (Ostern): 4 Tage;
Planungstag (September): 1 Tag;
Sommerschließzeit (Aug.): 3 Wochen;
Buß- und Bettag. 1 Tag;
Winterschließzeit (Dez.-Jan.): 1-2 Wochen;
Specially educational concept child oriented education, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch

Current information



We are a home for children with 48 kindergarten places for children between 3 and 6 years and 24 daycare places (plus 2 emergency places) for children aged 8 weeks to 3 years. The kindergarten children are cared for in the bee and beetle group. The smallest children attend the frogs and fish group.

Opening hours:

Monday - Thursday: 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Friday: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Our house for children is located on the eastern outskirts of Mimberg, directly on the forest. The spacious property of about 2,000 sqm is located on a gentle south-facing slope. No through traffic.

A bright, friendly kindergarten group is located on the upper floor. Furthermore, an intensive care room, a washroom, the housekeeping area and a staff room are located on the upper floor.

The second kindergarten group is housed in the spacious former multipurpose room on the first floor.

Our nursery groups each have a generously sized, bright and friendly group room and bedroom. An additional room can be used for intensive creative or musical activities. There is also a washroom with a large changing table and crèche toilets for the crèche and kindergarten children. The office is also located on the first floor.


Daily Schedule


Daily schedule kindergarten

- 7.00 a.m. to 8.30 a.m.: Bring time

- 8.30 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.: morning circle

- 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.: breakfast on the move, pedagogical core time

- 11.45 am to 12.15 pm: lunch in the groups

- 12.30 p.m. to 12.45 p.m. First pick-up time

- 12.45 p.m. to 1.30 p.m.: chair circle

- 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.: individual pick-up time, depending on the number of hours booked


Daily schedule day nursery

- 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.: early service in a crèche group

- 8:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.: Morning circle in the group: singing of songs, finger plays, prayer

- 8:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.: Breakfast together, pedagogical core time  

- 11:15am to 11:30am: Lunch circle

- 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: lunch

- From 12:00: Toileting, nursing time, bedtime

- 12:30PM to 12:45PM: First pick-up time

- 13:30h to 16:30h: flexible pick-up time

In the nursery, the daily routine is even more closely oriented to the needs of the individual children. For example, children can sleep or be fed as needed.


Additional offers in the house:

- English (external)

- Music (external)

- Music (internal)

- Church services (internal)




In our house we serve a full, balanced and varied lunch. This is supplied by the catering company "Zwergenküche" from Altdorf.

The contribution for lunch is 3,25€.

For our youngest children, parents bring bottle food (including bottle) as well as prepared meals or jars from home.


Breakfast and snack:

The children need a small snack for vespers in the morning and in the afternoon.

The following rules are binding for all groups:

What goes in the snack bag (examples):

  •    Natural yogurt in resealable containers.
  •    Fruit and vegetables
  •    Bread with sausage, cheese or honey
  •    Eggs

What does not go in the snack bag (examples):

  •     Sweets such as chocolate, milk slices, gummy bears
  •     Individually packaged foods such as Babybel, Bifi or cheese strips
  •     Sweetened yogurts such as fruit gnomes, Monte etc.
  •     Drinks
  •     Packaged fruit puree


Everything is allowed on birthdays and celebrations!


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 28/08/2024 08:00:40)