Krippe im Heilpädagogischen Zentrum


1 Jahr bis Schuleintritt

Krippe im Heilpädagogischen Zentrum
Wasserwerksweg 6
31303 Burgdorf
Funding authority
Lebenshilfe Burgdorf e.V.
Wasserwerksweg 6
31303 Burgdorf
05136 - 9208160
Opening times7:30 AM - 2:30 PM o'clock
Closing days30 Ferientage (Ostern, Sommer, Herbst, Weihnachten)
und 2 Studientage
→ ca. 32 Tage, überwiegend in den Schulferien
Therapeutic support Logopedia, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy
Extras care with lunch
Pets Ja (Pferde in unserem Reitbereich)

Current information


In our facility, we accompany children in their development in the various groups from their first birthday until they start school at the latest. The basis of our pedagogical activities is the orientation plan for education and upbringing of the state of Lower Saxony. Particularly important to us is the basic attitude of perceiving each child as democratic and competent.

In our facility we care for up to 94 children in 7 curative KiTa groups, 3 cooperative KiTa groups as well as an integrative crèche. On our spacious grounds, our KiTa groups are housed in 3 houses. In addition to the riding arena, the stable and indoor riding arena are located on the nearby riding grounds. The children of the HPZ regularly take part in curative vaulting/riding every 14 days.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/06/2024 10:47:56)