Krippe Otze Kapellenweg

1-3 Jahre

Krippe Otze Kapellenweg
Kapellenweg 17
31303 Burgdorf
Funding authority
Stadt Burgdorf
Rolandstraße 13
31303 Burgdorf
05136 - 9206706
Opening times7:00 AM - 3:30 PM o'clock
early care7:00 AM - 8:00 AM o'clock
Closing days2 Wochen in den Sommerferien
1 Woche zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr
3 - 4 Studientage
2 Organisationstage
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, Situation approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information


At the Otze daycare center, we care for a maximum of 115 children between the ages of one and six. The Otze daycare center is spread over two locations. At the "Heeg" location there are three kindergarten groups with 25 places each, one kindergarten group with 10 places and one crèche group with 15 places. At the location "Kapellenweg" there is a crèche group with 15 places. The Heeg site is surrounded by forest and the elementary school is right next door. The Kapellenweg location is in an old half-timbered house directly in the center of Otze. The group rooms of the facility are furnished with natural materials and emphasize our focus on nature and the living world. In addition to the group rooms, the daycare offers the children many other opportunities to pursue their interests - there is a children's kitchen, a library, a large movement room, children's bistro and playable hallways, and we are also allowed to use the gym of the elementary school.

Special features of the facility:

  •     Holistic learning
  •     Location of the facility directly at the forest
  •     Focus on nature and the living environment
  •     Accompaniment of a forest pedagogue
  •     Intergroup work in age and interest groups

Outdoor Facilities

The children have at their disposal a natural outdoor area full of adventure.

Daily Schedule

  • Bring time until 9:00am
  • Time for free play, as well as activities, projects, joint circles, etc.
  • Breakfast on wheels until 10:30am
  • Lunch between 11:15am and 1:00pm
  • In the day nursery time for resting from 12:00am onwards
  • Time for free play, as well as activities, projects, shared circles, etc.
  • Afternoon snack approx. 14:00h
  • Pick up time until 15:30


Fresh menus for lunch from Vitesca Cook & Chill procedures.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 01/11/2023 16:02:44)