AWO Kita


1 Jahr bis zum Schuleintritt

AWO Kita
Schwüblingser Weg 29
31303 Burgdorf
Funding authority
AWO Soziale Dienste Bezirk Hannover GmbH JUKI
Körtingsdorfer Weg 8
30455 Hannover
05136 - 873133
Opening times8:00 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
early care7:00 AM - 8:00 AM o'clock
late care3:00 PM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days15 Wochen in den Sommerferien
3 Studientage
Specially educational concept inclusion, Situation approach
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs, full day care

Current information

Offered care types at May 8, 2024:

Kind of carecount integrated places
3 Places
4 Places


The daycare centers of the AWO work according to the situational approach.

In its facilities, Arbeiterwohlfahrt pursues the goal of promoting children in their overall personality development and to provide a family-supporting offer with its facilities. We enable all children to learn how to interact with each other in a non-judgmental way. For us, this means inclusion.

Situations in which the children find themselves at the moment or in the foreseeable future are taken up and addressed. The needs and development of the children entrusted to us are reflected in everyday events.

The task of the adults is to accompany and support the children in their development. The composition of the groups is age-mixed. Each group is supervised by two pedagogical specialists.

The good cooperation of parents, educators and teachers is important in order to cope with our common educational tasks. Our goal is to integrate the daycare centers into the community and, in cooperation with the local authorities, to provide a range of services that meets the needs of children and parents.


Curative education care center

Inclusion is a human right that is enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2009. We also want to support this development. We ensure that children with and without special needs live, learn and play together as a matter of course. We participate in all activities and public life together. In our daycare center we care for within the lion group in the elementary area, depending on the needs also up to four children and in the bumblebee group of the nursery two to three children with special needs and special support needs.These can be children with a disability or children who are threatened by a disability and receive integration assistance via §§53, 54 SGB XII, §§26, 35 SGB IX and/or §35a SGB VIII. The AWO daycare centers guarantee the support of children with special needs through the use of qualified staff. The exchange with therapists, doctors, early intervention, health authorities and schools is a matter of course for us. Suggested support measures are implemented in everyday life. The reflection and planning of the pedagogical work with special needs and special support requirements is supported by internal and external expert advice. In the interdisciplinary exchange of all participants, a round table is offered every six months with the aim of coordinating support options in the home environment, in the daycare center and in therapeutic units and thus supporting development.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 09/11/2023 18:40:06)


According to statute

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 09/11/2023 18:40:06)

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