Waldorfkindergarten Dreisamtal

Kinder ab dem ersten Lebensjahr bis zum Schuleintritt

Waldorfkindergarten Dreisamtal
Friedrich Husemann Weg 1
79256 Buchenbach
Funding authority
Verein zur Förderung der Waldorfpädagogik im Dreisamtal e.V.
Friedrich Husemann Weg 1
79256 Buchenbach
07661/9036907 (Sandra Buschmann ( Kleinkindgruppe))
07661/2754 (Sonja Weber (Kindergarten))
07661/9088272 (Rabea Zuta (Verwaltung))
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysIn der Regel 30 Tage, innerhalb der Schulferien von Baden Württemberg
Extras care with lunch, flexible care, full day care

Current information



Mutual perception and joint action are important elements of our kindergarten life. In the course of the day we gather together for a meal, a round dance or fairy tales. Hand gesture games, verses and prayers, songs in the eurythmy kindergarten and preparing meals together enrich the kindergarten community.


In play, the child shows us his nature. One's own existence and the outside world merge into one and so the child immerses itself in its play. It is open to all impressions and thus experiences its surroundings with full devotion. In play, the child learns and educates itself and thus discovers its world more and more. Our Waldorf kindergarten should be a playground.


The children can develop their personalities in a warm, loving atmosphere. Our individual view of the child is characterized by mindfulness and appreciation. The relational care according to Pikler is particularly important to us. Good habits, daily, weekly and annual rhythms characterize everyday life and provide support and structure and thus security and reliability for the children.

Experience nature

In the beautiful and diverse landscape around our facility, the children will find numerous opportunities to experience nature, the seasons and the elements with all their senses. Farming and gardening in the neighborhood enrich the child's experience. In life with nature, in daily being outside, children develop love, joy and gratitude for our environment.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/01/2023 12:04:42)