Kinderkrippe Farbenfroh

Kinderkrippe Farbenfroh
Tunnelstraße 27
76646 Bruchsal
Funding authority
Tageselternverein Bruchsal Landkreis Karlsruhe Nord e. V.
Am Viehmarkt 10
76646 Bruchsal
07251981987805 (Franziska Kleinsteuber)
Opening times7:00 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Closing days27
Extras care with lunch

Current information


Opening hours

We have a total of 20 childcare places in our facility, where you can choose between a VÖ place or a full-day place. 

Opening hours: 

VÖ: Monday to Friday: 07:30am - 13:30pm

Full day: Monday to Friday: 07:00am - 15:00pm


Our crèche is located in the Haus der Begegnung. We have two group rooms with adjoining bedrooms, an intensive room, a large children's bathroom and a kitchen. 

There is a large gym in the HdB, which we use for our weekly exercise class. 

We use a playground next to our building and a small outdoor area belonging to the building for our outdoor activities. 

The rooms in the crèche are spacious and accessible for the children, so that they provide a safe base and guarantee the children's freedom of movement and independence.

The room concept is tailored to the children's needs and designed in such a way that different activities are possible at the same time, e.g. movement and rest without the children disturbing each other.

The care area is located directly after the entrance area. The washing trough not only invites children to wash their hands, but also offers them the freedom to experiment with water. The three child-friendly toilets are separated by walls to give the children the privacy they need if they wish. There are two changing areas next to the toilets. The children can decide for themselves where they want to be changed. Each child has their own changing box, which is marked with a picture of themselves. The bathroom is not only used as a care area, but also as a creative workshop. A large painting board, various finger paints and painting utensils invite the children to experiment. In the hallway is the checkroom area, where every child has their own place. Here, too, there are pictures on the shoe compartment, coat hooks and the parents' post. The large cork board serves as a place for parents to exchange and view information.  In addition, the corridor can be converted into a movement construction site and the children can play independently of the group room.

The "Sky yellow" and "Banana blue" group rooms are designed in such a way that the children can safely express their needs and are encouraged to discover new things. Both group rooms are equipped with a 2nd level, which challenges the children's motor skills in particular. When selecting play materials, we make sure that they are made of natural materials wherever possible and stimulate creativity. We often use everyday objects from the children's lives and sensory materials. The range of materials is clear, freely accessible and not overstimulating for the children.  The toys are replaced at regular intervals or adapted to suit the children's ages.
Adjacent to the group rooms are 2 separate bedrooms. Each child has a fixed sleeping area, equipped according to their needs. The purple and blue color accents create a calm room atmosphere.



- Fresh, organic and balanced

Eating together with the children is a matter close to our hearts and is an integral part of our concept and everyday pedagogical routine. 

The children have breakfast, lunch and the full-day children have a snack after nap time. 

A housekeeper prepares the meals fresh every day and makes sure that the food is suitable for children. The food is selected regionally and according to the season. 

Our facility has a BeKi certificate:

A special feature of the BeKi state initiative is the BeKi certificate for daycare centers. Since 2009, nutrition-conscious daycare centers have been able to set out on the path to optimally combining enjoyable and balanced eating habits with everyday nutritional education. The most important goal of the certification is to raise awareness of eating and drinking in early childhood education and to anchor this goal in the educational concept.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 28/06/2024 07:51:49)