Kinderhaus St. Raphael

Altersmischung 2-6 Jahre

Kinderhaus St. Raphael
Durlacher Straße 84
76646 Bruchsal
Funding authority
Vinzentiusverein Bruchsal e. V.
Durlacher Straße 84
76646 Bruchsal
07251 973210 (Christina Simon)
Opening times6:30 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days28 Tage / Jahr
Foreign languages German, English
Denomination roman catholic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, partially open concept
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information


The St. Raphael children's daycare center has 132 places in 6 mixed-age groups (2 - 6 years).

We offer extended opening hours (VÖ) and all-day care (GT). 

Extended opening hours (VÖ)
07:30 to 13:30 (6 hours per day)

Extended opening hours plus (VÖ+)
07:30 to 14:00 (6.5 hours per day)

All-day program 1 (GT1)
06:30 to 15:00 (8.5 hours per day)

All-day program 2 (GT2)
07:30 to 16:30 (9 hours per day)

All-day program 3 (GT3)
07:00 to 17:00 (10 hours per day)

All-day program 4 (GT4)
06:30 to 17:00 (10.5 hours per day)

Partially open work with constant reference groups in a structured daily routine accompanies the children in our house. We eat lunch together every day, which is freshly prepared in our own canteen kitchen. Pedagogical impulses, activities and clubs, as well as project-based work accompany the children's free play in their everyday lives.

Influenced by a holistic, Christian understanding of education, we also promote and support the children's language development, motor development and social behavior, among other things.

Close and good cooperation with our parents is the basis of our work.

The children's home has a gymnasium and a large, beautiful outdoor area, so that the children have sufficient daily exercise sessions. 




Our stimulating functional rooms encourage the children to learn with all their senses. 

All groups have these functional rooms: studio, construction room, role-play room, a research area, as well as retreat areas for looking at picture books or enjoying some time out.

Each group also has a kitchen where children can bake or cook together during activities.

The in-house gym is used by our groups on fixed days.

In addition, each group has bedrooms where the children (VÖ+ if required, as well as GT children) can have their daily rest and bedtime, accompanied by an educator. 

The washrooms are child-friendly and attractively designed and equipped with changing tables.

Outdoor Facilities

The children's house has a very large outdoor area. There is a playground with a climbing frame, slides, swings and a seesaw, as well as a lovely water play area. 

In summer, we can also use our water stones to splash and play in the afternoon.

We have various child-friendly vehicles that are available for the children to use in the yard.

The children can play ball on our large village square and family parties are also held there.

We also have the opportunity to use a large meadow area. This can be used for joint games or even a picnic.

The entire outdoor area has tall trees and several permanently installed sunshades to provide the children with sufficient shade on hot days.

The area is completely fenced in and therefore protected.

Daily Schedule

You can find an example of our daily routine on our homepage at Kindertagesstätte - St. Raphael Kinderhaus (

Our daily routine is structured with recurring units and processes and limited by fixed framework times. This gives the children orientation and security. 


A fresh lunch is prepared for the children every day in our in-house canteen kitchen. This gives us the opportunity to cater for intolerances and requests (e.g. vegetarian diet or exclusion of pork etc.).

Parents bring their child breakfast to our kindergarten.

In the morning, the children are offered a snack of fresh fruit and vegetables, which we provide.

Lunch takes place daily at the same time and in the same groups. The teachers of the group eat this together with the children in the group dining rooms.


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