ev. Kita Breitscheid

ev. Kita Breitscheid
Erdbacher Str. 4
35767 Breitscheid
Funding authority
Ev. Dekanat a. d. Dill
Am Hintersand 15
35745 Herborn
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysFreitags bis 13:30 Uhr
Extras care with lunch, full day care


"Children have a right to optimal conditions for their growth and development".

The upbringing, education and care of children is the mission of our Protestant day care centre. Next to the family, the day care centre is the most important socialisation instance for children. We see ourselves as accompanying the children in the joint process of upbringing and education and strengthen parents in their educational competence.

The self-image of Protestant day care centres is based on Jesus Christ's devotion to children: "Let the children come to me".


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 04:25:48)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of carecount places
 Kinder ab 2 Jahren
60 Places


Mission statement
"Education consists of two things:  Example and love."     Friedrich Froebel

The child is the centre of attention
"Every child should experience that he or she is accepted and respected just as he or she is." It is important to us that each child can develop his or her personality and strengthen his or her sense of self. To achieve this, it is important to create an atmosphere in which the child can make his or her own experiences and is also allowed to make mistakes.
Children should be strengthened in their personality and receive the necessary recognition.
Every child is eager to learn from birth.
They make contact of their own accord and engage with their environment.
It is important to promote and deepen their individual skills and competences.
An emotionally secure bond with adults is the safe framework that children need to live out their joy of discovery and their thirst for knowledge.
We offer this emotionally secure framework in our day care centre through reliable pedagogical staff.

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Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 04:25:48)

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