Kita Rabenscheid

Ab 2 Jahre bis zum Schuleintritt

Kita Rabenscheid
Weideweg 10
35767 Breitscheid
Funding authority
Gemeinde Breitscheid
Rathausstr. 14
35767 Breitscheid
Opening times7:15 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysDonnerstag und Freitag schließt der Kindergarten bereits um 13.00 Uhr.
Es gibt ca. 28 Schließtage. Diese werden den Eltern rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben.
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, full day care

Current information


"There is no age when everything is experienced with such insane intensity as childhood. We grown-ups should remember what that was like." Astrid Lindgren

Kindergarten is a place that provides children with opportunities for experience and action beyond the family and its environment. While the wider environment is usually tailored to the needs of adults, the kindergarten takes into account the feelings, desires and activity needs of the child.
Since we want to support the child's overall personality, we offer him free space for his spontaneous needs for expression and activity. However, in order to encourage the diverse forms of experience and action, we also provide specific stimulation, guidance and support.

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