AWO Kindertagespflegenest

12-36 Monate

AWO Kindertagespflegenest
Westerwaldstr. 9
35767 Breitscheid
Funding authority
AWO Lahn-Dill
Walkmühlenweg 5
35745 Herborn
02772 959628 (Annegret Müller)
Opening times7:30 AM - 3:30 PM o'clock
Extras care with lunch, flexible care, full day care


Our AWO Day Care Nest Breitscheid

On 15 February 2016, our AWO Kindertagespflege-Nest Breitscheid was launched with the first children and parents getting to know each other. The grand opening took place a few days later together with the municipality of Breitscheid and the Lahn-Dill district - our cooperation partners - the families, colleagues, neighbours and interested parties. At first, our domicile was on the edge of the forest. In November 2019, we moved to Westerwaldstraße and now enjoy the spacious garden there.

The municipality of Breitscheid offers five places in the AWO Kindertagespflege-Nest Breitscheid as a supplement to the existing U3 care offer and organises its occupancy. This means that parents must register their child with the municipality of Breitscheid for a place in the AWO Kindertagespflege-Nest. They then pay the Lahn-Dill district the usual fee for day care according to the current statutes.

In the AWO Kindertagespflege-Nest Breitscheid, two childminders are employed on a permanent basis and subject to social insurance contributions. The full-time childminder is contractually assigned to the children. Our part-time colleague is a regular weekly substitute in the nest, so that the emergency is the normal experience for the children.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 01:34:57)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of carecount places
5 Places


Five children present at the same time can visit our family-like home. To give the children a sense of security in their everyday life, there is a fixed daily routine and an animal voice clock, which offers the youngest children the possibility of orientation:

-Common breakfast at the big kitchen table against "cow".
-actual daily programme such as sports, singing, handicrafts against "horse
-Playtime in the garden against "sheep
-Preparing lunch together against "goat" and eating afterwards
-Lunch nap against "pig
-Snack and play until the parents pick them up against "duck" or "donkey".
Seeing the world through children's eyes...

...and go on a journey of discovery together. This is the basis of the AWO day care nests.

We would like to be your partner in education and accompany, encourage and support your children

and support them on their journey of discovery.


Head of department of the AWO Kindertagespflege-Nester (day care for children)

Annegret Müller

Tel.: 02772 9596 28, e-mail:

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Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 01:34:57)

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