KiTa Fuhnewichtel

40 Kinder bis 3 Jahre und 70 Kinder von 3 Jahren bis zum Schuleintritt

KiTa Fuhnewichtel
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Str. 23b
06766 Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Funding authority
Stadt Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Rathausplatz 1
06766 Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Opening times6:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Extras care with lunch

Current information

The Fuhnewichtel daycare center is located in the Krondorf residential area, not far from the Fuhnenaue. Our facility has space for 110 children aged 2 months to school age. It is important to us to have a welcoming culture that makes our children and families feel at home. A trusting, appreciative cooperation with parents is an important cornerstone of our work.  You are always very welcome here. Children can play, invent, explore, tell stories, act, relax, laugh, build and much more in rooms designed to suit their age.

Our aim is to provide our children with the best educational and development opportunities through a varied daily routine. A wide range of activities should prepare the children well for life and for starting school.  Our pre-school children are the "Ranzen-Racker" and receive special offers in their last year of kindergarten. We work closely with the Erich Weinert elementary school to help the children make the transition to school.

Our conceptual focus:


We pay attention to healthy eating, use language in a variety of ways, go out into nature a lot, build the raised beds with the children and move in a variety of ways. Regular exercise is a basic need for children and children learn more intensively through exercise. We are outside whatever the weather. The gym at Erich Weinert School is used regularly.

There is a conscious discussion of values and norms when living together. The rules are developed and practiced together with the children. As belonging to a room and reference persons are important for children, we work in partially open group work with the core group principle. We regularly offer free choice activities in various rooms. In the large morning circle, the children are given an overview of the activities available.

A colorful child's life also means celebrating together. We celebrate festivals throughout the year, as well as during the summer vacations and say goodbye to our first-year pupils with a big sugar cone party. Our sponsored senior citizens regularly visit us, making us a meeting place for the generations. This promotes interaction between young and old. Small musical performances with our senior citizens enrich our everyday kindergarten life. We offer balanced and varied full meals, with fresh fruit and vegetables freely available.


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