KiTa Bussi Bär

1 - 7 Jahre

KiTa Bussi Bär
Parkstraße 7
06749 Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Funding authority
Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., RV Sachsen-Anhalt
Brauereistraße 13
06847 Dessau-Roßlau
Opening times6:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
early care6:00 AM - 7:00 AM o'clock
Closing days23.12.24 - 01.01.25;
21.07. - 01.08.25
Foreign languages German
Denomination evangelic
Extras care with lunch

Current information


Welcome, we are the “Kita Bussi Bär”

We would like to briefly introduce ourselves. In our facility, approx. 100 children can be cared for by currently 15 pedagogical specialists.

What are we proud of?

Our daycare center is located within walking distance of the Goitzsche recreational area with its large lake and the beautiful Goitzsche forest. Twice a year (once in spring, once in autumn) we hold our so-called forest weeks. During these weeks, all kindergarten and crèche groups go into the forest every day from around 8.30 am to around 10.30 am for a period of 4 weeks to spend the morning in nature.

We also like to use the Goitzsche forest and the area around the lake for walks and discovery tours outside of our forest weeks. The second landmark, the Bitterfeld Arch (a viewing platform accessible via slopes), is only a short walk away for us and is often used as a destination for excursions. Just 10 minutes away from our daycare center is the Bitterfeld animal enclosure with many native and some exotic animals, which can be fed and sometimes even stroked under supervision.

Every year, we celebrate a summer festival and a St. Martin's festival and for the future schoolchildren, the respective group celebrates a "Zuckertütenfest". These celebrations take place with the parents and, if possible, the grandparents.

All other celebrations during the daycare year (carnival, Easter, St. Nicholas, Christmas) are celebrated in the morning in the groups (without parents).

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 30/09/2024 13:49:09)