Waldkindergarten "Waldpiraten"

3 Jahren bis zur Einschulung

Waldkindergarten "Waldpiraten"
Friedhofstraße 35
69488 Birkenau
Funding authority
Birkenauer Sonnenkinder e.V.
Industriestraße 1
69488 Birkenau
0151/43329067 (Herr Brunner)
Opening times7:30 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Closing days20 Tage im Jahr
Foreign languages English
Specially educational concept nature education, Wood-Pedagogy
Extras Child care with special focus on environmental education, care with lunch, parents association

Current information


The "Waldpiraten" forest and nature kindergarten is run by the Birkenauer Sonnenkinder e.V. association, to which the "Weschnitzpiraten" crèche also belongs. The association's board, which consists of at least five active members, is the employer and point of contact for the employees of the forest kindergarten. The idea of a forest kindergarten in Birkenau was born in 2018. On the one hand, to add another educational form to the childcare offer in Birkenau and, on the other, to create additional, urgently needed places. In 2020, the association decided to take over the sponsorship of the forest kindergarten and the board of Birkenauer Sonnenkinder e.V., under the project management of Matthias Becher, set about drawing up a concept in spring 2021. This was successfully and unanimously approved by the Birkenau municipal council in February 2021 and the project of a nature and forest kindergarten was thus able to overcome another important hurdle.

Cooperation at eye level "Close to the child (and the family)". It is important to us to understand and perceive each person according to their individuality. We are a dedicated team who are passionate about the concept of nature and forest education. We see it as a great opportunity for children to develop and learn in the forest and nature. They perceive themselves as self-effective and as part of the community, get to know the animal and plant world, experience the seasonal changes, processes of growth and decay and the weather up close. In addition to the positive effects of simply being in the forest, we experience every day how the experience of nature with its special features also has a positive effect on the children's development. As a forest kindergarten, our pedagogical approach is based on the concept of nature and forest education. We live the situational approach and practical learning, work in a needs- and relationship-oriented way and support the young people entrusted to us in "doing it themselves" (Montessori pedagogy). Our educational activities are guided and based on the Hessen Education Plan as well as current findings from developmental psychology and neuroscience.


Our forest kindergarten is located above the Protestant church (Friedhofstraße 35, 69488 Birkenau-Reisen) and opposite the cemetery in the Reisen district of Birkenau.

At the front of the property there are two construction trailers that serve as accommodation and a rest room for the group. From our anchor point we are, with a few exceptions, "on the move" in the forest, across meadows and fields directly in the village or beyond. Should the weather ever pose too great a risk for the group and prevent us from being outside, we find shelter in our shelter, the community hall of the Protestant church in Reisen, or in a place that can be used according to the weather.

Daily Schedule

Exemplary daily routine

When implementing our daily routine, we attach great importance to a regulated structure that offers the children a reliable and secure framework. Within this framework, we reserve the right to allow flexibility and spontaneity in addition to the structural cornerstones, within which we allow the children to participate and move according to the weather and the situation.

A day at the Waldpiraten roughly looks like this:

Drop-off time: 07:30  - 08:30 

Common welcome ritual: 08:30 - 08:50 

Breakfast (on the premises or on the way): 09:00  - 09:35 

Free play/ projects/ time in the forest 09:35 - 12:30 or on the premises

Lunch (on the premises): 12:30 - 13:15

Quiet time: 13:15 - 14:30 Pick-up time: by 15:00 at the latest


Breakfast: Each child brings this from home in suitable (bread) tins.
with them. In principle, we recommend a balanced, healthy and sugar-free 
healthy and sugar-free diet in everyday life at the daycare center, and also practice this ourselves. In particular, in summer 
summer, sweet foods should be avoided so as not to attract wasps unnecessarily. In winter
however, we recommend adding some fruit and nuts to the snack.
In the summer months, we ask that you bring your child enough water for the 
morning in their rucksack. In the event that it is not enough, 
we have drinking water in the construction trailer. In winter we recommend the 
children to pack a small thermos flask with tea or warm water in their backpack. 
to pack in their rucksack. 
For the children who are looked after during the afternoon, we receive a 
a full meal from the caterer. 


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 03/04/2024 09:13:02)