Regenbogenkindergarten Reisen

2 Jahre bis Schuleintritt (interner Wechsel) Igelgruppe: 2 Jahre bis ca. 4 Jahre Katzengruppe: ca. 4 Jahre bis Schuleintritt

Regenbogenkindergarten Reisen
Industriestraße 1
69488 Birkenau
Funding authority
Gemeindevorstand der Gemeinde Birkenau
Hauptstraße 119
69488 Birkenau
06209/4229 (Leitung Doris Schütz)
Opening times7:30 AM - 3:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysca. 30 Schließtage
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, partially open concept, project approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs

Current information

Offers in our facility:

  • situational offer and project work
  • Thematic playful storytelling and morning circles
  • dream trip
  • Preschool project work
  • Lilo Lausch “Listening connects”
  • Playful brushing of teeth according to the KAI system
  • Nature/forest days
  • Chewing-active breakfast offer for all groups
  • Cooperation with sponsor dentist
  • Music school (possible externally with separate registration)
  • English (external with separate registration)


"About us"

The Rainbow Kindergarten Reisen is characterized by its warm and appreciative interaction with young and old as a safe place. A benevolent, open cooperation and a view of child-friendly development with goal- and solution-oriented approaches is particularly important to us. Our name stands for diversity in all areas. All families are welcome and we see it as an opportunity to implement offers and projects that are important to the children and to us. The strength of our pedagogical team lies in the different professional and personal skills of each individual member. Our goal is to create a positive feeling of partnership and connectedness between children, guardians, team and carriers for the benefit of the children. We look forward to welcoming you to our colourful and stimulating day-to-day kindergarten life.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 18/03/2024 09:52:43)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care
 Regelbetreuung für Kinder zwischen 2 und 3 Jahren n altersgemischter Gruppe (27,5 Std./Woche)
 Betreuung für Kinder zwischen 2 und 3 Jahren mit verlängerten Öffnungszeiten in altergemischter Gruppe (38,5 Std./Woche)
 Regelbetreuung für Kinder zwischen 3 und 6 Jahren in altergemischter Gruppe (27,5 Std./Woche)
 Betreuung für Kinder zwischen 3 und 6 Jahren mit verlängerten Öffnungszeiten in altersgemischter Gruppe (38,5 Std./Woche)


Offers in our facility:

  • situational offer and project work
  • Thematic playful storytelling and morning circles
  • dream trip
  • Preschool project work
  • Lilo Lausch “Listening connects”
  • Playful brushing of teeth according to the KAI system
  • Nature/forest days
  • Chewing-active breakfast offer for all groups
  • Cooperation with sponsor dentist
  • Music school (possible externally with separate registration)
  • English (external with separate registration)


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 18/03/2024 09:52:43)
Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 18/03/2024 09:52:43)

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