Kinderkrippe "Weschnitzpiraten"

1-3 Jahre

Kinderkrippe "Weschnitzpiraten"
Industriestraße 1
69488 Birkenau
Funding authority
Birkenauer Sonnenkinder e.V.
Industriestraße 1
69488 Birkenau
06209/2723810 (Leitung Frau Alina Schütz)
Opening times7:30 AM - 2:45 PM o'clock
Closing dayscirca 20 Schließtage
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, parents association


The sponsor of the crèche "Weschnitzpiraten" is the Birkenauer Sonnenkinder e.V., 
which also owns the forest and nature kindergarten "Forest Pirates". The association has set itself the position of 
The aim is to supplement and thus improve the childcare offer in Birkenau.

As a parents' initiative, we see ourselves as a community in which the cooperation of parents is a
is an essential part of the care concept.

Our group of 10 children is supervised by a total of four pedagogical professionals and has an additional housekeeping help. We attach great importance to the most intensive support possible by sufficient staff.
Our crèche has bright, beautiful rooms designed according to new pedagogical aspects (a large group room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchenette) and an outdoor area divided into two areas. We offer appropriate functional areas for the various learning fields and educational aspects, both indoors and outdoors (e.g. building corner, exercise track, creative area, quiet zone, etc.).

With us, the children learn and experience community and are accompanied and encouraged in their development. The individual child should experience joy and security and be able to discover and understand his environment according to his needs.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 03:45:46)