Kath. Kindertagesstätte Arche Noah

3-6 Jahren

Kath. Kindertagesstätte Arche Noah
Pfarrer-Müller-Straße 4
69488 Birkenau
Funding authority
Katholische Pfarrgemeinde Maria Himmelfahrt
Hauptstraße 55
69488 Birkenau
06201/32749 (Julia Clemens, Kita-Leitung)
Opening times7:30 AM - 1:30 PM o'clock
Closing days26 Tage, Sommerferien: 3 Wochen, weitere Schließtage werden jedes Jahr neu geplant (Weihnachten/Winter, Brückentage, Pädagogische Tage..)

Current information


The Catholic daycare center Arche Noah is a two-group daycare facility in the Catholic parish of Maria Himmelfahrt in Birkenau.

Our house is open to all children and their families. As with Jesus, our focus is on children as unique creatures of God. That's why we don't differentiate ourselves based on origin, skin color, social class, physical or mental peculiarities. Given the diversity of this world, it is natural for us to treat all other religions and cultures with respect.

We work partially open and have functional rooms.

We are an open and warm team that enjoys sharing our enthusiasm for the Christian faith with children and parents.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 21/03/2024 12:02:44)