Ev. Kindertagesstätte Zum Guten Hirten

Krippe: 1 - 3 Jahren, Kita: 3-6 Jahren

Ev. Kindertagesstätte Zum Guten Hirten
Obergasse 15 A
69488 Birkenau
Funding authority
Evangelisches Dekanat Bergstraße Gemeindeübergreifende Trägerschaft von evangelischen Kindertagesstätten (GüT
Auf der Mauer 5
64625 Bensheim
06201/49 49 671
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing days25
Specially educational concept open concept
Extras care with lunch, full day care


The Ev. The Good Shepherd daycare centre looks after children from 1-6 years of age in a crèche group and 3 kindergarten groups. The basis of our pedagogical work is the open concept. A basic insight in open work is that the child is by nature open, active, curious and interested. Our church community wants to welcome children lovingly, just as Jesus did. That's why it's most important to us in our daycare center that the children are welcome, feel understood and accepted. First and foremost, we want them to feel accepted and appreciated, regardless of their religion or nationality.

An atmosphere of trust should offer our children a framework in which they can change and develop, as well as pave the way for their individual educational and learning processes. What children can do on their own, we trust and expect them to do. Children act autonomously, sometimes say no and choose their own friends. In doing so, we accompany them "hand in hand" on their respective individual paths.

The children can take advantage of various offers in everyday life. Our forest day takes place every Wednesday. A children's lesson is also regularly offered by our community educator. There is also a preschool meeting for the preschoolers of our daycare center every week.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 10:02:55)