Kindertagespflege Wichtelstube

Die Betreuung richtet sich an Kinder im Alter von 10 Monaten bis 3 Jahren.

Kindertagespflege Wichtelstube
Bardenhorst 0
33739 Bielefeld
Funding authority
Niederwall 23
33602 Bielefeld
Opening times8:00 AM - 1:00 PM o'clock
Closing days30
Specially educational concept Waldorf education
Extras care with lunch

Current information


I offer loving, Waldorf-oriented care for children aged 10 months to 3 years from 8.00 am to 1.00 pm. A family home with a garden that invites exploration, loving care and a family atmosphere offer your child the opportunity to develop freely.


The care takes place in our detached house on 50 square meters and additional large garden.

Outdoor Facilities

Our large garden offers a variety of educational opportunities in and with nature. The children have the opportunity to develop freely and experience their own self-efficacy in the sand play area with a mud kitchen:
- sand play area with a mud kitchen
- a swing
- slide vehicles,
- a small farm garden with raised beds at child height 
to make.

Daily Schedule

Rhythmic organization of the day:
- Jointly prepared breakfast
- morning circle
- Free play in the house and garden
- Excursions
- Freshly prepared lunch together
The daily routine is rhythmically organized through seasonal festivals, songs and finger games.


I prepare organic, seasonal and vegetarian meals. There is a weekly rhythm to the preparation of breakfast. 

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 24/07/2024 11:44:45)