AWO KiTa Lilienthalstraße

1 bis Schuleintritt

AWO KiTa Lilienthalstraße
Lilienthalstraße 6a
33689 Bielefeld
Funding authority
AWO Ostwestfalen Lippe e.V.
Detmolder Straße 280
33605 Bielefeld
05205/3010 (Kim Kozakiewicz)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysUnsere Einrichtung hat im Jahr 17 Schließtage, die mit dem Elternbeirat der Gruppen abgestimmt werden.
Foreign languages Russian, Turkish
Extras Barrier-free, care with lunch, flexible care, full day care
Pets Hund (Labrador)

Current information


In our daycare center, 53 children aged 0-6 years are currently cared for in three groups.

  • In the blue group, children aged 2-6 years are cared for. 
  • In the red group, children aged 3-6 years are cared for. 
  • In the green group, children aged 0-3 years are cared for.

Outdoor Facilities

The daycare center has a spacious outdoor area that is close to nature and is located directly at a small park with an adjacent playground. For children under the age of three, there is an additional outdoor area that has been adapted to the needs of the children.


The premises of the facility include:

  • 3 group rooms, each with an adjoining room, a checkroom and a washroom.
  • 3 bedrooms,
  • 3 diaper-changing rooms,
  • 1 sports hall,
  • 1 large hallway area,
  • 1 office,
  • 1 room with sanitary facilities for staff,
  • 1 kitchen,
  • 1 staff room,
  • 1 cleaning room,
  • 2 storage rooms and a boiler room.

Daily Schedule

Our daycare center opens at 7:00 am.

  • From 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., the children are on early duty in a designated group or on the outside.
  • Between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., breakfast and a morning circle take place in the groups; all children should be brought in by this time.
  • From 9:30 a.m. the discovery time starts for the children. During this time, pedagogical activities from the various educational areas take place, sometimes across groups. At the same time, the children also have the opportunity to play freely.
  • At 11:00 a.m., lunch begins for our U3 group, followed by a nap.
  • Afterwards, the older children eat and rest.
  • Every day we use the outside area.
  • The afternoon is discovery time.


In our daycare center, fresh food is cooked every day. On Mondays we have a pasta dish, on Tuesdays we cook vegetarian, on Wednesdays we have a meat dish, on Thursdays it is fish day and Friday is reserved for stew or soup. Every day there is a dessert such as a curd, yogurt or pudding dish, compote or ice cream. In the afternoon, we serve the children daily fruit and vegetables or delicious sandwiches/rolls. Once a week we offer the children a healthy breakfast, which the children have a say in.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 24/07/2024 11:44:07)