Kindertagesstätte und Familienzentrum Am Kattenboll

12 Monate bis Schuleintritt

Kindertagesstätte und Familienzentrum Am Kattenboll
Georg-Siemer-Straße 4
49577 Ankum
Funding authority
Samtgemeinde Bersenbrück
Lindenstraße 2
49593 Bersenbrück
Opening times7:30 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, livebased approach, open concept, open work
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, Parents center, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs, full day care, language education


For the positive development of a child, a good cooperation of all participants is one of the most important foundations. Accordingly, we attach particular importance to a partnership-based cooperation with the parents or the legal guardians.

Participation of children is very important to us. Being able to act independently as quickly and for as long as possible in everyday life are the central needs of every person. Even very young children make it clear to us that they strive for autonomy and independence. Children learn mainly through motivation, imitation, experimentation, accompaniment and positive reinforcement.

To do this, the children need a lot of time and freedom, which we make available to them every day and accompany and strengthen them in the process.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 05:19:47)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care
 Krippe ganztags
 Krippe vormittags
 Kindergarten ganztags
 Kindergarten vormittags
 Waldkindergarten vormittags


Early Excellence is our basic attitude in the pedagogical work with a view to the children, parents and pedagogical specialists.

Early Excellence comes from English and means that every child is excellent with their strengths and interests. The focus is on the child with his strengths and competences.

For the positive development of a child, the good cooperation of all participants is one of the most important foundations. Accordingly, we attach particular importance to a partnership-based cooperation with the parents or legal guardians. Mutual appreciation and equality form the starting point for this.

During the time in crèche and kindergarten, we would like to contribute to a positive development as a family-complementary and supportive institution for the benefit of your child.
In order for this to succeed well, we are dependent on your opinion. You are your child's expert and therefore the exchange with you is indispensable.

The two most important living environments for the children who go to our kindergarten are the family and the day in the crèche/kindergarten.

 For this reason, it is particularly important to us that we also maintain close contact with the parents and exchange information regularly. We make this possible through a short, daily conversation, through recurring development talks or through family celebrations and family afternoons. Together with the parents, we want to accompany the child on his way forward and support each other. 

"Be brave and trust your strengths on your way through life!"
 This is our message for your child.

In addition, we have an ecological sustainability concept. This includes, among other things, baking our own bread, making the yoghurt ourselves and growing our own fruit and vegetables.

"I've never tried this before,
 so I'm absolutely sure I can do it!"

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 05:19:47)


Another focus of our daycare center is the family center. Our motto "Diversity as profit" states that everyone is "welcome" in our house and that we attach great importance to the diversity of nations, cultures, religions and languages. This diversity of cultures enables mutual learning from each other. We see this as a great benefit for our work. The "we-feeling" in thinking and acting together is particularly important to us and is shown by a positive, inviting family attitude.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 05:19:47)

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