Großtagespflege "Die neugierigen Entdecker"


Großtagespflege "Die neugierigen Entdecker"
Weizenfeld 79
51467 Bergisch Gladbach
Funding authority
Städt. Fachberatung für selbstständige Kindertagespflege
An der Gohrsmühle 18
51465 Bergisch Gladbach
02202/ 2495908 (Tim Krause Brigham)
Opening times7:45 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Foreign languages German (bilingual concept), English (bilingual concept), Portuguese (bilingual concept)
Specially educational concept child oriented education, intercultural education
Extras care with lunch
Pets keine Haustiere


About us

We have been married since 2014 and have one daughter. We have long wanted to work together, which we have been able to do since September 2018, with the permission to open a large day care center in our own home.



I was born in 1975 and grew up in Lisbon.

Since I come from a large family, I had contact with many children very early on.

My mother was a teacher and social worker. Therefore, upbringing and social engagement have always been part of my everyday life.

I started looking after children at an early age. First as a babysitter, and later as a children's entertainer and as a companion in the holiday camp with kindergarten children from socially disadvantaged areas.

While studying elementary school and grades 5 and 6 faculty of visual and technology education, I worked as a freelance professional photographer.

I finished my studies in 2003 and then started working in the afternoon care of a school.

At the beginning of 2012 I moved to Germany and started working as a babysitter again. I gave birth to my daughter in 2014 and spending time with her at home reawakened my love for upbringing.

In 2016 my daughter went to kindergarten, after which I started working for a childminder. That gave me a lot of pleasure. This is how I wanted to become a childminder myself.

At the beginning of 2018 I successfully completed my childminder qualification.



I was born in August 1965.

I graduated from high school in 1984 and then started studying physics. At the same time, I volunteered for several years in an initially urban, then self-governing youth center (here as the chairman of the sponsoring association).

In 1995 I started working in the film and television industry as a post-production supervisor.

In the end of 2015 the time had come for me to start something new.

Through my youngest daughter, I came into contact with children between the ages of one and three, be it in kindergarten or in private when meeting to play. I noticed that I enjoy working with these children and that I am accepted by them. It was through my wife that I came up with the idea of ​​becoming a day father. That is why I attended the qualification course for day care workers at the Progressive Parents and Educators Association NW e.V. (PEV) from June 2016.

The qualification course and the preoccupation with the principles of day care have strengthened my desire to become a day care supervisor and to find a responsible, fulfilling, albeit sometimes strenuous, new job here.

In mid-December 2016, I successfully passed my exam to become a qualified child care worker.

I have been working as a day care worker in Bergisch Gladbach since April 2017.


We live with our family in a house with a garden in Hebborn. The house is in a pedestrian zone, ideal for letting the children run free. We can walk to various playgrounds without having to cross a street.

In the vicinity there is a forest, the weekly market and also a horse farm.

The first floor of the house is set up for day care; the children also sleep in a separate room here. The garden can be accessed directly from the living room.

Outdoor Facilities

We mainly use our garden in the afternoon, as we are out and about in the area in the mornings.

Daily Schedule

Here is an exemplary daily routine as it takes place on most days:

08:00 - 08:15   Arrive, free play

08:15 - 08:45   Breakfast together

09:00 - 11:00   Market visit, walk, visit playground, project, garden

12:00 - 12:45   Lunch

13:00 - 15:00   Nap, rest, quiet play

15:00 - 15:30   Joint fruit snack

15:30 - 16:00   Free play, pick-up time


What is there to eat 

We mainly offer the children freshly prepared food, which is made from organic products whenever possible. For the varied meals we use ingredients that are as organically produced as possible and produced locally. We prefer seasonal fruits and vegetables.

We use products that contain very little sugar, preferably none at all. Since we also grow a few vegetables in our garden, I also use these for meals. The children experience the entire process from sowing and planting to watering and harvesting and eating.

The children are fully fed by us, which means that the parents do not have to bring any food. The catering usually consists of breakfast, a morning snack, lunch and an afternoon snack.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 00:56:45)