Krippe Kastanienbaum

1 - 3 Jahre

Krippe Kastanienbaum
Rodensteinstraße 92
64625 Bensheim
Funding authority
Familienzentrum Bensheim e.V.
Hauptstraße 81
64625 Bensheim
06251-5505227 (Nina Melk)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days- 1 Woche an Ostern
- ca. 2 Wochen Winter
+ Brückentage, Pädagogische Tage, etc.
(insg. 25 Tage)

Current information


Our Kastanienbaum crèche is located in the centre of Bensheim. The pedestrian zone is within walking distance and is often used for walks, exploration tours and shopping. The crèche has existed since 2013 as the first facility under the sponsorship of the "Familienzentrum Bensheim eV". We look after 22 children, under 3 years old, in two groups.  


  • 2 group rooms
  • 1 kitchen
  • 1 office / parents' meeting room
  • 1 children's bath
  • corridor (which is also used for movement and encounters)

Daily Schedule

The day begins with the opening of the facility at 7:30 a.m.

The drop-off time for the children ends at 8:30 a.m., so that the beginning of the morning circle can be used to start the day together. The specialists prepare sometimes recurring rituals, songs, finger games or project content. The morning circle is also used for the participation of the children. For example, they can wish for games or songs or participate in the daily planning with ideas and wishes.

After the morning circle, breakfast takes place. We provide water and/or unsweetened tea; fruits and vegetables; Bread with or without butter, cream cheese, cheese and yoghurt with or without muesli.

Afterwards we take time for free play, excursions, exercise offers, creative offers but also project work or cross-group activities.

Lunch starts at 11:15 a.m.

Afterwards, all children are changed for bedtime and undressed or changed. This starts at about 12:00 p.m. An employee is always with the sleeping children in the group room.

At about 1:30 p.m., the children of the "Module 1" stipulated in the contract will be woken up.

The pick-up time at 13:45 ends at 14:00 (Module 1). The specialists provide feedback on the day. It is important to us to pass on the interests, successes and/or insights of the children to the pick-ups.

After that, children with a "Module 2" contract will be woken up at the latest.

At about 2:30 p.m., a snack with water and/or unsweetened tea; Fruit and vegetables offered. Before and after this snack, there is a phase of free play. In addition, flexible pick-up by parents is possible during this time.

With the last pick-up time of 3:45 p.m., the day at the Kastanienbaum crèche ends at 4 p.m., with the closure of the facility.


  • The Sugar-Free Morning Concept
  • Daily freshly prepared lunch by a caterer
  • Snack in the afternoon


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 05/08/2024 10:40:27)