Evang. KiTa Lainecker Schlossbande

0-10 Jahre

Evang. KiTa Lainecker Schlossbande
Schloßstr. 22
95448 Bayreuth
Funding authority
Diakonisches Werk Stadtmission Bayreuth
Kirchplatz 5
95444 Bayreuth
0921/92245 (Sandy Kolb, Einrichtungsleitung)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing days16 Tage im August
1 Tag Buß-und Bettag
ca, 10 Tage über Weihnachten und Sylvester
2 Planungstage
1 Brückentag Juni
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept livebased approach, Emmi Pikler, Situation orientated approach
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, cooperation facility, full day care

Current information


You can find our daycare center on the northeastern outskirts of Bayreuth. In the district of Laineck. Play and learn here 7 groups 145 children together. The “Lainecker Schlossbande” daycare center is divided into 3 areas: crèche, kindergarten and after-school care. Our three regular groups and a crèche group have their place in the listed sandstone building. Our second nativity scene group can be found in the adjacent annex. The two after-school groups are housed in the premises of the Laineck primary school. We see ourselves as a family-complementing and family-supporting daycare center. Our inclusive approach always focuses on the children's strengths. We accompany children during their individual development phases so that they can independently gain life experiences, gain confidence in their own actions and gain self-confidence.

In our daycare center (nursery/kindergarten/after-school care center) we offer only childcare places with a care period of 5 days (Monday-Friday).





Our 3 Kingergarten groups are located in spacious old buildings with stucco ceilings and many windows. The large group rooms allow for plenty of opportunities for play and development.

The crèche children in the annex have access to a bright, lovingly and colorfully furnished group room with an integrated dining area. We have an integrated climbing area and an “discovery corner” with individual wooden play furniture. Since September 2018 we have opened a second crèche group in the kindergarten premises. In the two group rooms, the children have many opportunities to train their motor skills thanks to the versatile movement furniture.


At the Laineck primary school, our after-school children have access to two large after-school rooms. There is space to play and learn here. There is a large kitchen where the children eat their meals. The children do their homework in the classroom.

Outdoor Facilities


Our facility has a spacious, fenced-in outdoor play area with lots of hedges and shady trees. As part of the redesign of the garden in 2015/2016, a large climbing frame with a suspension bridge and a slide was built. A large bobby car racing track offers plenty of driving space for countless exercise devices such as scooters, balance bikes and tricycles. There is a large nest swing and a seesaw animal in the garden. An Indian tippi and two wooden toy horses invite you to role play. A large sandpit enriches the garden. Lots of sand toys are available to the children every day. As an ideal complement to the well-equipped public playgrounds in the surrounding area, the design of our garden is aimed at intensive play and experiments with different natural materials. Variable areas and a large population of trees enable rich environmental and sensory experiences all year round. Rest zones, common areas and space for diverse forms of movement meet all demands for conceptually anchored daily use.


The Lainecker Schlossbande crèche has its own outdoor play area that meets safety regulations for small children. There is a climbing frame with a slide, a sandpit and plenty of space for exercise and discovering nature.


The outdoor area of ​​the Laineck elementary school is also open to school in the afternoon. There is a large climbing frame in the playground. There is plenty of space to run and play. A football and basketball court complete the offer for the children.


Daily Schedule

Tagesaublauf Kiga

7:00-8:15 Uhr     Bringzeit
8:15-12:15 Uhr   Kernzeit am Vormittag
                           (Morgenkreis, gemeinsames Frühstück, Gartenzeit/Freispielzeit, Gruppenzeit, Projekte und Angebote)
11:45-12:15 Uhr Mittagessen
12:30-13:30 Uhr Mittagsruhe
14:15 Uhr           Mottonachmittage (Musik&Tanz, Bewegung, Spielkreis und Vorlesezauber)
                           oder gruppenübergreifende Freispielzeit
15:00 Uhr           Nachmittagsbrotzeit
16:30 Uhr           Die Kita schließt (am Freitag um 15:00 Uhr)


Tagesablauf Krippe

7:00-8:15 Uhr     Bringzeit
8:15-11:30 Uhr   Kernzeit am Vormittag
(Morgenkreis, gemeinsames Frühstück, Gartenzeit/Freispielzeit, Gruppenzeit, Angebote/Miniprojekte)
11:30-12:15 Uhr Mittagessen
12:15-13:45 Uhr Mittagsschlaf
14:15-16:30 Uhr Freispielzeit
15.00 Uhr           Nachmittagsbrotzeit
16:30 Uhr           Die Krippe schließt (am Freitag um 15:00 Uhr)


Tagesablauf Schulzeit

7:00-7:45 Uhr       Frühhort
11:15-13:00 Uhr   Ankommen aus der Schule/Freispielzeit
13:00-13:30 Uhr   gemeinsames Mittagessen
13:30-14:00 Uhr   Gartenzeit
14:00-15:30 Uhr   Studierzeit/Hausaufgaben
15:30-16:30 Uhr   Freispielzeit/Angebote
16:30 Uhr             Der Hort schließt (am Freitag um 15:00 Uhr)




Parents bring breakfast from home for their children. We value healthy, balanced and varied nutrition. Every Monday we start the week with a muesli breakfast. There is also organic milk from our EU school fruit/milk program. The castle gang parents bring the healthy muesli with them. Our delicious discovery day takes place once a month. The children try “delicacies” based on a topic of enjoyment. We want to discover special foods with the children and experience new and exciting flavors. The focus is on everything that makes children fit and is sure to please them.


Our tasty, healthy and balanced food is delivered fresh to us every day by the Noll & Westpahl catering service. There is a choice between vegetarian/standard/without pork. Intolerances are taken into account. Alternatively, you can bring your own lunch (in a warming box) or a cold lunch. beverages There is enough to drink between meals and between meals. At a “drinking oasis” the children can get their own water at any time. There is also unsweetened tea, fruit juice spritzers and occasionally milk.

Afternoon snack

The parents of the afternoon children bring this snack with them from home.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 26/07/2024 08:50:55)

Offered care types at Dec 21, 2024:

Kind of carecount places
 Kinderbetreuung bis zum 3 Lebensjahr
30 Places
 Kinderbetreuung ab dem 3. Lebensjahr
62 Places
 Betreuung für Schulkinder
40 Places


Zeit haben....  für die Kinder und ihre Bedürfnisse                     

                            mit ihnen Entdeckungen zu machen

                            mit ihnen ihre Erlebnisse zu teilen

                            für Kreativität

                            für Naturerlebnisse

                              mit anderen Kindern

Wir arbeiten nach dem situationsorientierten Ansatz. Dabei stehten die Themen der Kinder im Mittelpunkt. Das was die Kinder bewegt und interessiert wird in den Kitaalltag integriert.
Wir arbeiten zusätzlich nach dem Bewegungskonzept Hengstenberg/Pickler. Mit speziellen Holzbewegungsmaterialien können immer wieder neue Bewegunslandschaften aufgebaut werden. Die Kinder forschen, probieren aus und entdecken eigene Spiel- u. Handlungsräume.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 26/07/2024 08:50:55)


Summer time in the “Lainecker Schlossbande” daycare center

Preschool children's visit to the theater

Construction site service Community festival with “craft station”

Blessing service for the preschool children

summer party


Project in kindergarten “Football"

Delicious discovery day with Jolinchen once a month

Theme afternoon:

every Tuesday:     Barefoot gymnastics

every Wednesday  Research and experiment

every Thursday  Laying circle: laying (biblical) stories with materials

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 26/07/2024 08:50:55)

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