Kindertagespflege im Landkreis Bad Kissingen (Vermittlung)

Kindertagespflegepersonen können Kinder im Alter von 0 - 14 Jahren betreuen. Meistens sind Kinder im ähnlichen Alter bei einer Tagespflegeperson.

Kindertagespflege im Landkreis Bad Kissingen (Vermittlung)
Von-Hessing-Straße 1
97688 Bad Kissingen
Funding authority
Generationen Netz Landkreis Bad Kissingen e.V.
Von-Hessing-Straße 1
97688 Bad Kissingen
0971 898932 10
Opening times8:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Extras care with lunch, flexible care, full day care
Pets Im Haushalt der Tagesmutter / des Tagesvaters können unterschiedliche Haustiere vorhanden sein z.B. Hund oder Katze Gerne werden Sie über Haustiere bei der jeweiligen Tagespflegeperson informiert.

Current information


to our 4 new day carers!


Childminders look after up to five children at a time. In this small group, the children can establish social contacts and learn important skills in a protected environment. It is a family-oriented form of childcare. 
Each childminder determines their own care times, closing times and age structure.


The childminder provides care in their own home or in a rented apartment. 
There is space to play and rest. Either a garden is available or a nearby playground, park or forest is used for sufficient exercise and fresh air.

Outdoor Facilities

Depending on the day carer, an outdoor area/garden is available. In any case, the childminder has the opportunity to provide the children with sufficient opportunities for exercise in a nearby playground, park or forest.

Daily Schedule

The daily routine of a childminder is usually similar to that of a daycare center.
After arriving, the children have the opportunity to have breakfast and play freely. Sometimes a morning circle is organized. Outdoor playtime and short excursions are also part of the daily routine. After lunch, a rest break is often planned, e.g. an afternoon nap. There is still time for activities and free play until pick-up time
In day care, activities and support are individually adapted to the children, the group and the situation.


Breakfast and/or lunch is predominantly provided by the childminder.
If a main meal is provided, the district administration office will charge a maximum of €20 per month for a home-based saving.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 10/12/2024 10:35:24)