Kath. Kindergarten St. Franziskus

Kath. Kindergarten St. Franziskus
Oberer Eulenbergweg 55
73776 Altbach
Funding authority
Kath. Kirchengemeinde St. Konrad
Hartweg 17
73776 Altbach
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock

Current information


The St. Franziskus kindergarten is located in the Altbach district of Braunkiel, close to woods and fields.

The kindergarten offers childcare for children from the age of 2 until they start school in three groups with extended opening hours or all-day care. We also offer lunch for children in extended opening hours and all-day care.

Our team of around 10 educational professionals, as well as a trainee educator, can cater to the individual needs of the children.

We are supported by our fairy godmother, who is responsible for serving meals and providing all-round care in our children's canteen.

We are also happy to give volunteers doing their social year the opportunity to familiarise themselves with working with children in daycare centres.


The group rooms for the forest and meadow elves, as well as the rainbow and sunshine groups, are located on the ground floor of our children's centre.

The dining room, where lunch is eaten, as well as our nappy-changing area and quiet room for the all-day children are also located here.

We are particularly proud of our large entrance area, where we like to celebrate parties.

Outdoor Facilities

Our spacious outdoor area offers the children a wide range of opportunities to play and run around.

As we are currently building an additional extension to our children's centre, the outdoor area will be somewhat affected until around spring 2024.

Nevertheless, we make active use of the time and take the children for walks or they can ride the vehicles on the terrace, use the balancing pole and the sandpit. We also have a meadow behind the house for ball games. 

As soon as everything is nice and new, our new play ship and the nest swing will also be set up again.

Daily Schedule

  • We see education and care as a holistic process, which can be organised individually in the main groups, but also in age-specific project groups. 

    Daily components of everyday life are, for example, breakfast together, the morning circle and garden playtime. The polar bear, panda and raccoon get-together also takes place once a week. Here, a cross-group programme is offered in age-homogeneous groups. Participation by and with children and resource-orientated strengthening of children are particularly important to us. Inclusion is not a foreign concept to us, but part of everyday life.

    Our daycare centre also offers language promotion and support for children's language development. The educational partnership with parents is of particular importance and is supported by our transparent work. This transparency is also reflected in the light-flooded architecture of our building.

    Our co-operation with other institutions is essential for the successful integration of community work in the kindergarten. Our co-operation with Altbach primary school is particularly worthy of mention.

    We work according to the Berlin model for familiarisation. The early childhood education programme is based on Emmi Pikler and our religious education work on Franz Kett.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 06/02/2024 15:28:04)