Kita "Im Schulhaus"

Kita "Im Schulhaus"
Rötenbacher Straße 123
72275 Alpirsbach
Funding authority
Stadt Alpirsbach
Marktplatz 2
72275 Alpirsbach
074444671 (Frau Müller)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysca. 26
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, open concept, open work, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care, language education


The house for children...

... because without children there would be "nothing" going on here !

Opening hours:

Extended opening hours daily from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Full day care: Mondays to Thursdays 7:00 am to 4:30 pm.

We have 50 places for children from 3 to 6 years.

Kindergarten management: Sabine Müller

Our kindergarten includes many lively, happy children with their families! These parents contribute in a wonderful and very committed way, which serves the well-being of the children and the whole institution. And of course we, the staff, can also benefit from this:

S. Müller: Educator, Specialist for Organization and Leadership, Social Work, General Management
C. Doll: Educator, group leader
F. Lamparter: Educator
I. Kilguß: Educator, language support worker
M. Fuhrmann: Educator
A. Reutter: Nursery nurse
E. Heizmann: Educator


You want the best for your child?
We do too!

With respect and consideration, we try to accompany each individual child on a daily basis, taking into account their wishes and needs, their individual stage of development.

At the same time we see ourselves as advocates for the children, i.e. in the world of adults we stand up for their rights and needs.

As a team, we continually discuss what the children in our daycare need; dealing with each other in a spirit of partnership and openness, both internally and externally, are prerequisites for this.

We try to make our work as transparent as possible for you. In addition to personal discussions, you will also have the opportunity to observe our work.
There is so much more to tell... so make an appointment with us and come by! We look forward to meeting your child and you!

Until then friendly greetings

Your team from the municipal day care center Rötenbach "Im Schulhaus".

Your team from the daycare center Rötenbach "Im Schulhaus".

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 05:40:31)