Our Kindergarten is a place for children with or without special needs. You will find us in the "Kinderhaus am Ampergrund" where we look after children from the age of three up to six years, in three groups. Because we have a partly open house, the children can play in the hallway and visit the other groups. We provide aktivities accross all the groups so the children can decide where they want to take part. In our nursery we all know each other and everybody can take part. Insecure children can find the security of their own group and can venture out, when they are ready. As we love nature, the children are frequently able to play outside or take part in aktivities in the surrounding countryside. We work closely together with the church St.Josef, as part of our curriculum is religious education. Children of any persuasion are welcom in our Kindergarten.
We provide a healthy breakfast and a fresh lunch is cooked in our large kitchen every day, for children with longer booking times.
Please note, that we close at 15:30 on Fridays.