Kinderhaus Amperspatzen

ab 1 Jahr bis Schuleintrtt

Caution: This Facility is closed from Sep 1, 2023 until Oct 31, 2024.

Reason: Neubau im Entstehen
Kinderhaus Amperspatzen
Jobsterstr. 32
85391 Allershausen
Funding authority
Gemeinde Allershausen
Johannes-Boos-Platz 6
85391 Allershausen
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysbis zu 30
Foreign languages German, English
Specially educational concept child oriented education, inclusion, partially open concept
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, ergotherapy, family counseling, for children with special educational needs, full day care, language education

Current information

The Amperspatzen are currently under construction. We look forward to opening our doors to new explorers in autumn 2024.



Amperspatzen is located in the heart of a new development area in the south of Allershausen.
From autumn 2024, children aged 1 year to school age can attend the facility. The Amperspatzen can accommodate up to 5 groups. There are various additional rooms in the building (see rooms) and the children use the versatile garden area every day.


In our numerous, stimulatingly designed rooms, children will find a variety of play and activity options. Two rooms are equipped with play galleries. These rooms are the children's favourite places to play and spend time in their home groups.

Intensive rooms

An intensive room is available for each group. This is where small group work, quiet time and bedtime take place.

Creative and work room

Music, relaxation, painting, arts and crafts activities take place here. The German pre-course and programmes for preschoolers also take place here.

Gymnastic Room

Each group uses the exercise room on a fixed day for running games, exercise construction or psychomotor exercise units. Early musical development, conducted by a trained teacher from the Ampertal music school, takes place here as an additional programme for all preschool children. Parents also have the opportunity to register their child for a dance programme offered by an external provider on one fixed afternoon.

Outdoor Facilities

The garden

In our garden area you will find
Various swings, climbing frame, bobby car track, playhouse, ground trampoline, seesaw, football pitch, sand play boxes, hill with integrated play equipment, raised beds, snack garden, vehicle shed with a fleet of vehicles in mint condition, large terrace with seating.

Pictures to follow


Lunch is freshly prepared every day by our kitchen crew in our modern, well-equipped kitchen. We attach great importance to regional, seasonal cuisine and a considerable proportion of organic products. The groups eat lunch together. The specialised staff eat the educational snacks so that the children can quickly gain confidence in any unfamiliar foods.
You can find out more about our catering concept "All about food at the Amperspatzen" at the open day.

Buffets are set up for parties and celebrations.

During the periods when there are fewer children (school holidays), lunch at the Amperspatzen is partly prepared together with the children.

Implementation of projects with various partners, e.g. health project, nutrition project, day-care centre catering coaching, etc.

The price for lunch is €4.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 30/04/2024 11:13:12)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care
 Altersgeöffneter Kindergarten mit Mittagessen
 Altersgeöffneter Kindergarten ohne Mittagessen


Step by step, we discover the world with all our senses - curiously and playfully, cheerfully and attentively, actively and sustainably.

This is our mission statement and our pedagogical orientation. We put this into practice with love and commitment. It is particularly important to us that each child's personality is valued. We are allowed to accompany, strengthen, encourage and guide your child on a part of their life's journey. This is based on mutual give and take and a trusting educational partnership with the parents. We discover the diversity of life, learning and nature with fun and joy.

Everyone who visits the Amperspatzen should feel welcome

  • Our basis is the Bavarian education and upbringing plan
  • Children from 1 year to school age play and learn together in a group
  •  Partially open concept
    • This is reflected in projects, times for visits to other groups, mixing of the children in the garden, grouping in the mornings and late afternoons, .. Integration/inclusion
  • Integration/ inclusion
    • From the very beginning, we have been an inclusive kindergarten that is open both internally and externally.
    •  "Being different" is normal. The diversity of all people is not a problem to be solved, but normality. The system is adapted to this normality and not the other way round.
  • Learning social interaction
  • Participation, building self-confidence and leading to independence
    • Defeats, mistakes or conflicts are not another problem, but a step that we will climb together and through independent attempts to find solutions on the staircase of life.
  • Experience of democracy, "I can have a say, I am heard"
    • All of this happens with a certain degree of freedom, co-determination and warmth of heart. With play, fun and adventure and enough time to be happy.
  • First experiences in maths and also in speaking and writing
  • Increased preparation for school in the last year of kindergarten


We are the Amperspatzen team:

The kindergarten management with its educational specialists, as well as the overall management of the two community daycare centres. Of course, our team also includes trainees with various educational qualifications.
You are welcome to get to know us personally at the open day.

We see ourselves as a learning organisation.


Our team has a wide range of qualifications. We consist of various educational specialists, supplementary staff, assistants and trainees so that our children at Amperspatzen can continue to benefit from good staff in the future. If necessary, individual support can also supplement our team.

Individual employees regularly undergo further training and team training is also firmly anchored in our annual planning in order to keep us up to date with the latest pedagogical developments.

Additional Offerings

  • German pre-course for all children with a migration background or language difficulties
  • Early musical education for all pre-school children
  • "KidsPro" course,
    • Strengthening self-confidence
    • Perception and categorisation of feelings
    • Defining distances and safety zones
    • voluntary, subject to a fee
      • Organised by the parents' council in cooperation with the EB of the Spatzennest
  • Dancing with the Motion Makers (Freising dance school), voluntary, for a fee
  • Internal children's library


An integral part of the Amperspatzen is the co-operation with various facilities and offers in Allershausen and the district of Freising

  • Close co-operation with the Spatzennest (jumpers, substitutes,...)
    • Interdisciplinary specialised services (pre-school officer, health officer)
  • We regularly visit craft businesses, playgrounds or the school in Allershausen
  • Neufahrn early intervention centre
  • Special educational support centres
  • School preparation centre in Pulling
  • Mobile special educational assistance (MSH) to clarify support measures
  • Social paediatric centres (SPZ)
  • Paediatricians
  • Occupational therapists
  • Learning practice in Allershausen
  • Speech therapists in Allershausen
  • Family counselling once a week for all parents at the Caritas counselling centre for parents, children and young people, ELMO
  • Ampertal music school, instrumental course and early musical education
  • Inclusion working group
  • Allershausen childcare working group

Teamwork with school

We work closely with the school in Allershausen to organise a pleasant transition from kindergarten to school.
We also have good experience with school programmes in the district of Freising.

Teamwork with parents

A new parents' council is elected every year. The parents' council of the Amperspatzen and the Spatzennest work closely together, e.g. to plan and organise joint parties and activities.

It is very important for us to communicate with each other. There are various opportunities to have our say.

Among other things, we offer a complaints management system for parents and children, as well as an annual parent survey.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 30/04/2024 11:13:12)


The daycare centre is currently under construction. We look forward to opening the doors to many little adventurers in autumn 2024.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 30/04/2024 11:13:12)

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