Kinderhaus Höhrenberg

1 Jahr bis zum Schuleintritt

Kinderhaus Höhrenberg
Höhrenbergstraße 8
78476 Allensbach
Funding authority
Josef-Belli-Weg 27
78467 Konstanz
07533 9402887 (Melanie Schraivogel und Rebecca Grbavac)
01627470016 (Melanie Schraivogel)
017673031610 (Rebecca Grbavac)
Opening times7:30 AM - 2:00 PM o'clock
Closing days30 Schließtage im Kalenderjahr
Foreign languages German, English, Croatian (bilingual concept), Russian (bilingual concept)
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, intercultural education
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, Parents center, care with lunch, family counseling

Current information


On the lower floor are the premises of the Pfotenbande (Ü3). These include:

A checkroom
The foyer, which is also used as a movement room
The main group room
The reading room
The role play area
The children's kitchen
The bathroom
On the upper floor there are

The bistro, which is used by both groups for meals
The office
And the rooms of the Kleine Strolche (U3)

The main group room
The changing area
The sleeping room
The movement room
The role play area

Outdoor Facilities

Our spacious outdoor area includes climbing frames for all ages and a nest swing, as well as a sandbox. In addition, a beautiful old gazebo provides a shady place to play in the summer. A paved path is used for bobby car rides.

Daily Schedule

Kleine Strolche (u3)

7.30 a.m. - 8.30 a.m. Bring time
The time for free play extends over the entire day care period. It is supplemented by specific activities. The daily schedule is based on the needs of the children.
9.15 a.m. the morning circle takes place.
Afterwards we go as a group to the bistro for breakfast.
Afterwards, we offer the children more time for free play and also go out into the garden. 
Around 12 o'clock we have lunch together
Afterwards, the children go to the dormitory and lie down in their personal beds. Those who no longer wish to sleep do not have to
Between 13.45 and 14.00 the children can be picked up.

Pfotenbande (ü3)

7.30 a.m. - 9.00 a.m. Bring time
Around 9:15 a.m. the morning circles take place. We have two morning circles because we have divided the children according to age.
Between 7:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. the children have the opportunity to have breakfast. A set breakfast table is always at their disposal during this period.
Between 7.30 a.m. and 11.00 a.m. the children have time for free play. This time is supplemented by specific, voluntary offers.
at 11.00 a.m. we either go out into the garden or for a walk
Between 12.00 and 12.15 the first children can be picked up.
at 12.30 we go to lunch together
From 13.00 we have a half hour "quiet time". Those who wish can retire to a darkened room. Here, either a book is read aloud or relaxing music is played. All others look for a relaxing activity in the group room.
Pick-up time is between 1:30 and 2:00 p.m.


The children bring their own breakfast in the morning. Here the parents are encouraged to pack a healthy breakfast.

In our house there is the offer of a warm lunch. This is not obligatory, but can be booked on individual days for a fee. We receive daily hot meals from the company Mayer Catering from Stockach. When ordering, we pay attention to a varied and diverse menu selection. 

If you do not want to take advantage of this offer, you can pack a second can for your child. In this case, there is also the possibility of reheating the food in our microwave. 

In addition, we are supplied with a Raichenau vegetable box every two weeks. The fresh fruit and vegetables are served to the children daily as a dessert after lunch and on occasion they also supplement the breakfast they bring with them.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 04/04/2023 22:44:46)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care
 Verlängerte Öffnungszeiten U3
 Verlängerte Öffnungszeiten Ü3


Education means learning. And that lasts a lifetime. Children are naturally motivated to learn in a self-determined way. We support the child in its attempts to conquer the world for itself and to gain experience in the process. This happens in our everyday life and with all senses. Each child has his or her own interests and learning pace. We support the child in developing confidence in his or her abilities. Children learn primarily through imitation. Through us as role models, the child learns to deal with different situations in everyday life. We care for and accompany the child in its development. In addition to the nursing activities, we pay attention to the interests and needs of the child and respond to them individually.

Additional Offerings

We are not only the Höhrenberg Children's House, but also the Allensbach Children's and Family Center. We are there as a contact point for every family in Allensbach and districts. This includes, for example, our parents' café, which takes place every Friday from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. (except during school vacations). Here we offer parents the opportunity to make new contacts and to talk about current topics on parenting and everyday family life over a piece of cake and a cup of coffee or tea. In addition, our parent counseling service is available to families on Motags (by appointment). It provides support with parenting and development issues, listens and can refer to appropriate specialists in case of special support needs. It strengthens parental security and competence and supports the development of strategies for the individual support of the child. The parent counseling is subject to self-assurance and is free of charge.

In addition, there is a book exchange on our premises, which is freely accessible at all times.

Again and again, special events and activities take place within the framework of the family center. For example, we were allowed to actively participate and plan the Advent hut "zur Auszeit". During the World Cup, we broadcast some of the German games live here in the children's house. And further actions for the families are already in planning.

Teamwork with school

The Pfotenbande maintains a close cooperation with the local elementary school. The children who start school in September enjoy a special program with us. The children are allowed to visit the elementary school a few times and the elementary school teacher visits our house once a week over a certain period of time. In this way, the teachers and the preschool children get to know each other well and know what to expect in the coming school year. In addition, the pedagogical staff uses the last year of kindergarten to prepare the preschool children, with their very special abilities and strengths, for everyday life at school through targeted activities. This is also done in close consultation with the teachers.

Teamwork with parents

Both sides, the family and the institution, should be willing to open up in a spirit of trust. This means that parents report on their everyday life, their values and possible problems at home. But also that the facility gives the family an insight into their work routines, daily routine and special events. It is important that the child experiences both sides as appreciative. The relationship between parents and professionals takes place at eye level. Parents are recognized and treated as experts in the reality of their lives and their children.

At least one parents' evening is held annually. A parents' council is also elected at this meeting. This serves as a mediator between the concerns of the parents and the team and can be consulted if necessary.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 04/04/2023 22:44:46)

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