Kindergarten Grashüpfer Schachen

Wir betreuen Kinder von 3 Jahren bis zum Schuleintritt.

Kindergarten Grashüpfer Schachen
Hochsaler Strasse 7
79774 Albbruck
Funding authority
Gemeinde Albbruck
Schulstrasse 6
79774 Albbruck /
07753/ 1607 (Nicola Frohmüller)
Opening times7:30 AM - 2:00 PM o'clock
Specially educational concept partially open concept, Situation orientated approach


This is what we stand for:

We see every child as an independent personality who curiously explores, discovers and understands their world.

One child is loud and raging, the other is calm and withdrawn; every child is different and yet they are all the same.

That is why it is our goal to support and accompany every child in their development with a lot of patience, appreciation, respect and empathy.

Group description:

We are a two-group kindergarten with one group of butterflies and one group of dragonflies.

Our groups can accommodate 20 children at a time.

The team:

We are 5 part-time specialists and changing interns, who complete part of their training with us.


We have 2 cozy rooms in which your child can linger.

We also have a wonderful playground and a small intensive care room.

Our kindergarten has another special feature, we share our premises with the Waldorf Kindergarten Sonnenblume.

There are various areas that invite you to learn, discover, experience, try out, paint, do handicrafts and much more.


Outdoor Facilities

Our playground is very large and we have plenty of shade even in summer.

We enjoy it and that's why we like to go out often.

Our playground has a sandpit, a slide, two swings, a large climbing frame, a tunnel and plenty of space to run and play.

Daily Schedule

Our everyday kindergarten life:

The delivery time is from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., after which the entrance door is locked.

During the delivery time, the children are in their respective group rooms until after the morning circle.

Our morning circle starts with a welcoming song, then we clap the names, count the children present and think together who is missing. Then the date, day of the week and season are named on our calendar with the children.

Finally, we discuss the daily routine together.

After the morning circle, the groups are opened and, in addition to the free game, there are group-wide offers.

The first pick-up time is at 12:00p.m.

You also can pick up your child from the kindergarten from 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. or from 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Between 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. there is a second snack break and the doors of the kindergarten are closed.

Our kindergarten children are divided into four different age groups; it is always the age groups that come to school together.

The youngest children are our lucky beetles, then come the fawns, the clever foxes and the bear children (preschoolers).

The following offers are carried out across groups:

Monday: bookworm (bear children)

Tuesday: Duck land (clever fox)

Wednesday: Preschool (bear children creative and snack day (all children

Thursday: bear offer

Friday: exercise (in the hall / in the forest / walk) (all children)

We orientate ourselves with our offers, among other things, to the church annual cycle and celebrate with the children festivals such as: Christmas, Easter, St. Martin, Nicholas and birthdays.


Your child has two periods of time in which they can freely decide when they want to eat; 

once in the morning until 10:00 a.m. and the second vesper time is at 12:30 p.m.

Your child can drink from us, either tea or water.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 05:56:17)