Städt. Kindergarten Unterschneitbacher Landzwerge

Wir nehmen Kinder ab 3 Jahren in unserer Einrichtung auf. ( Kinder ab 2,6 Jahren werden nur aufgenommen, wenn alle Kinder ab 3 Jahren einen Kindergartenplatz haben; dazu zählen Kinder, die zum Stichtag 31.08. das dritte Lebensjahr vollendet haben) Aufnahmezeitraum ist immer September des jeweiligen Jahres. In Ausnahmefällen ist auch Januar möglich (z.B. bei Umzug).

Städt. Kindergarten Unterschneitbacher Landzwerge
Hüttenstr. 9
86551 Aichach
Funding authority
Stadt Aichach
Stadtplatz 48
86551 Aichach
08251/827477 (Frau Zach)
Opening times7:15 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Closing days30
Specially educational concept partially open concept
Extras care with lunch


We are a recognized two-party kindergarten and look after up to 54 children aged between one and seven years.

We work according to the new education and training plan and offer our children a family environment for learning and well-being.

Our facility operates "partially", i.e. During the entire free time the groups are open and all children are free to move. Here, our children have the opportunity to meet each other and play in the other group. Also the gym, the garden and various other offerings may be used by some children during this time.


In our institution we take children from one year onwards. These are integrated into one of our nursery groups and actively participate in everyday life. The children thus have the opportunity to look at the larger children as a model and to explore new things together with them.

A family environment, a shared experience and doing gives the children the feeling of being at home in the kindergarten.

In our institution, we have the possibility to place an integrative place.

In the intercourse between early childhood, we see an opportunity for a society in which each individual appreciates and takes his place.


We have in our nursery a butterfly group and a mole group in which the children are cared for ages.

Other rooms: gym, intensive care room, reading and resting room, "corner of the month"

Outdoor Facilities

The generous, near-natural garden offers our children a lot of freedom of movement.

There are climbing frames and climbing trees, slides, swings, wooden houses, sandbox and a large mountain, to roll down in summer and sleigh in winter.

Daily Schedule

7.15 - 8.30 am: Bringing time / example

9.00: common bread time

9.15 - 10.30 am: Examples, special offers, projects, offers, walks

10.30 am: common cleaning

10.45 - 11.15: Chair circle

11.15 - 12.30: Garden / lunch

From 12.30 - 3.00 pm: Pick up time

In the Maulwurfsgruppe children are aged 2 to 4 years. Accordingly, the daily routine is adapted to the needs of younger children. (Morning circle, noon, ...)


At the request of our children, our common bread will take place at 9 am.

Fruit and vegetables are also offered (rolling vegetable crate).

At noon there is lunch for the children who stay longer in our facility.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 08:59:47)

Description and Stations

We are an urban nursery and are located about 3 km from the city center of Aichach.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 08:59:47)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of carecount placescount integrated places
54 Places0 Places


We are supported by the Free State of Bavaria and work according to the Bavarian Bildungs- und Erziehungsplan.


Our team consists of a kindergarten, three nurses, two nurses and a professional trainee.



All our employees are trained in the first aid and are regularly trained in it.

Additional Offerings

We also offer the children:

- Preschool (mathematics, language promotion)

- "Chaostag": common, healthy breakfast; Every child is allowed to bring their favorite toys from home

- Movement day: This takes place once a week, e.g. Walks, gymnastics, or outdoor games

At the request of the parents, we also offer "playful English" and "early musical promotion" in our facility.


Quality Assurance

In order to constantly improve our pedagogical work, we hold regular team meetings and participate in further training courses.


We cooperate with the following specialist services:

- Mobile service of the SVE

- exchange with the primary schools

- contact with other educational services, e.g. Early Intervention Center, Educational Advisory Board, Hessing Foundation, Josefinum

Teamwork with school

Cooperative talks and visits with

- Elementary school Ecknach

- Elementary school Aichach-Nord

- Elementary school

Teamwork with parents

We are in daily exchange with our parents.

We also offer:

- Development talks

- Bringing in celebrations and celebrations

- parent actions, e.g. bake cook)

- Parentship

- transparent insight into the daily routine (weekly schedule)

- Door and fishing talks


Our facility works "teiloffen", i. The children have the opportunity to visit each other in the groups, 2-3 children can be alone in the garden, or in the gym, as well as in the "corner of the month".

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 08:59:47)


In our kindergarten, regular projects are carried out annually, both with and without parents. St. Martinsfeier, Christmas party, carnival, Easter party, summer party, preschool children's night, hiking, excursions

Parental Interviews

Towards the end of the kindergarten year a parental consultation takes place.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 08:59:47)


In our nursery, we already have children from one year onwards who are accommodated in our age-mixed groups.

In addition, we offer an intengrative space in the facility, depending on availability.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2024 08:59:47)

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