Kinderkrippe Rotkehlchen

Kinderkrippe Rotkehlchen
Riedweg 3
88480 Achstetten
Funding authority
Gemeinde Achstetten
Laupheimer Straße 6
88480 Achstetten
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysWeihnachten 2023: 27.12. - 31.12.2023
Fasching: 13.02.2024
Ostern: 02.04. - 05.04.2024
Christi Himmelfahrt: 10.05.2024
Fronleichnam: 31.05.2024
Heimatfest: 01.07.2024
Sommerferien: 29.07. - 16.08.2024
Tag der dt. Einheit: 04.10.2024
Weihnachten: 23.12. - 31.12.2024
Planungstage: 05.02.2024 ab 14 Uhr; 02.09.2024
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information


Information about the childcare center

Our childcare center is a facility in which children from the entire municipality of Achstetten are cared for. Children aged 1-3 years can be cared for in two opening hours models.

The model building is located in the Stetten district in the immediate vicinity of the multi-purpose hall. There are plenty of parking spaces directly in front of the building.

On the south side of the day care center is the outdoor area, which is designed to be suitable for small children.

Both the bee group and the butterfly group can accommodate 10 children each

Daily Schedule

7:00-08:30: Bring and free play time

08:30: Morning circle

08:45-09:15: Breakfast together

09:30-11:15: Free play/garden/walks/targeted activities and offers/needs-based nappy changing

11:15-12:00: Lunch

12:00-12:30: Free play/changing diapers as required

12:30-13:00: Pick-up time for regular children (Fridays: pick-up time for all children)

13:00-14:30: Bedtime for the full-day children

Approx. 15:00: Lock-up break

15:30-16:00: Free play/garden/pick-up time for the all-day children

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 17/12/2024 13:17:27)