Kindergarten St. Michael

Kindergarten St. Michael
Riedweg 5
88480 Achstetten
Funding authority
Gemeinde Achstetten
Laupheimer Straße 6
88480 Achstetten
073929391416 (Kim Spendov)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days30 Tage im Jahr
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept partially open concept, Situation approach
Extras care with lunch, cooperation facility

Current information


The St. Michael kindergarten works according to the partially open concept, which means that the children have a fixed home group, but they can still play throughout the facility during their care.

The fixed home group meets every day during the morning circle. During the morning circle, relevant and important topics such as festivals, fire safety and birthdays are introduced and celebrated.

The St. Michael kindergarten has two regular groups

    Rainbow group regular group opening hours Mon.-Fri. 7:30-12:30 & Mon.,Tues.,Thurs. additionally & 14-16h

    Ladybug group: Extended opening hours Mon.-Thurs. 7:00-14:00, Fri. 7:00-13:00, all day: Mon+Thurs. 7:00-16:00, Wed. 7:00-14:00; Fri. 7:00-13:00


Aims of the facility:

We accompany the children from the age of three until they start school.

We work according to the situational approach.


Rainbow group room

  •     Painting room
  •     Group room (reading corner, table games,...)
  •     Doll's corner

Ladybug group room

  •     Building room
  •     Magnet & Lego corner
  •     Group room (reading corner, table games,...)


-Relaxation room/ sleeping room

-Exercise room


Outdoor Facilities

The St. Michael Kindergarten has a large and varied garden

This is listed below with its play equipment:

  •     a climbing frame, this promotes hand-eye coordination, such as the active tensing of muscles
  •     a seesaw, which encourages strength dosage, how much strength do I have to exert to be able to actively seesaw
  •     two swings, this encourages strength dosing, as well as concentration, how do I have to move my feet so that I have active momentum to swing myself.
  •     a large sandpit, in which the children can train their tactile sense, how does the sand feel when it is dry, how does it feel when it is wet? The children also learn to build something together (sandcastles)
  •     In summer, the children can actively play with water, cool off, explore quantities (how much fits into this mold, etc.).
  •     The children can pursue their urge to move in the garden, as there is plenty of space to run and test their strength. (the children can run once around the kindergarten)
  •     The children can balance on the slackline, training their balance and muscle strength
  •     The children actively use our vehicles (Kettcar, bus, balance bike...) to train their balance
  •     In summer, we plant fruit and vegetables in our garden so that the children become aware of food, where it comes from and in which season it grows. Afterwards

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Daily Schedule

Daily routine:

    7:00-9:00am Arrival time, free play
    8:00-10:30 a.m. Free breakfast (the children are allowed to eat when they are hungry to create an awareness of this)
    7:00-10:30 a.m. Free play, activities,
    10:30am Morning circle in the home groups
    11am-12pm Garden
    12:00-12:30 Pick-up time for the rainbow children
    12:00-12:45 Lunch for the Ladybird children
    12:45-14:00 Relaxation and free play
    14:00 Pick-up time for the VÖ children
    2pm-4pm Free play, activities for the regular children & GT children

Special features:

-1x a week age-appropriate activities within the age group

-Gymnastics day all day on Fridays in the gym, which is located next to the kindergarten (except during the vacations)

-1x a month toy day (1 Wednesday a month)

-Breakfast together once a month (2 Wednesdays a month)



  •     the children bring their healthy breakfast from home
  •     Once a month there is a joint breakfast, about a week before, children choose the food they want to bring, which is then eaten together on that day (cheese, sausage, jam, ...)
  •     Breakfast is open daily from 8-10:30am
  •     Drinks are provided by the kindergarten (milk, still and sparkling water)
  •     each child has their own cup
  •     Fruit is provided daily by the kindergarten for the children


  •     The regular children eat lunch at home
  •     The Gt & VÖ children eat in the kindergarten
  •     GT children receive food from the catering menu that the management orders in advance (a menu is posted in the KIKOM APP, as in the kindergarten)
  •     The VÖ children can eat with us, but may also bring cold snacks from home (hot food may not be brought from home due to the interruption of the cold chain)

Between snacks

  •     Fruit/vegetables are provided in the afternoon

The children always have the opportunity to drink!

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Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care
 Kindergarten Ganztagesbetreuung
 Kindergarten Regelgruppe
 Kindergarten verlängerte Öffnungszeiten


The St. Michael kindergarten pursues a number of goals:

  •     We work according to the situational approach, which means that the children are encouraged according to their interests and motivated in the situation.
  •     Our work is based on the Baden- Württemberg orientation plan, education, care and upbringing are linked to this.
  •     We work in a partially open concept, which means that there are two fixed core groups in which we meet in the morning circle to discuss and celebrate important and relevant topics such as the introduction of festivals and birthdays. Before and after the morning circle, the children are allowed to pursue their interests in free play.
  •     We work with functional corners and functional rooms, which means that the children can decide for themselves in which functional area they would like to play (building & constructing, movement education, ...)

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All employees of the St. Michael Kindergartens have completed training in a social profession,

  •     They are also qualified nursery nurses and educators (through further training...)
  •     The management has a certified specialist in childcare management
  •     The employees actively take part in further training to expand their specialist knowledge.


The Sankt Michael kindergarten has various cooperation partners

  •     SBS (singing, moving, speaking)
  •     Early musical education
  •     Putzi (dentist)
  •     milk suppliers
  •     Fruit suppliers

Teamwork with school

We cooperate with the elementary school in Achstetten.

  •     A teacher from this school actively visits us in the kindergarten
  •     The teacher actively observes the preschoolers and is in regular contact with us
  •     The school is actively at our side for questions, requests and can-do children

Teamwork with parents

A good educational partnership is very important to us, which is why

  •     the door is always open for parents and guardians
  •     Complaints are actively accepted and implemented (complaints box)
  •     Active and honest communication is very important to us
  •     Parent meetings take place once a year (development of the child)
  •     Daily door-to-door talks take place
  •     We actively celebrate festivals with the parents so that we can spend time together with the families
  •     Open and honest communication is very important to us
  •     There is a parents' council that represents the parents in certain matters
  •     active information about upcoming festivals and events is written on the weekly notice board, and all important information is also posted on the KIKOM APP so that parents have an insight into what is happening at the facility
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The St. Michael Kindergarten uses the Kikom app

  •     Parents can use it to cancel the children's attendance if they are sick or on vacation, no phone call is necessary
  •     Parents have a precise overview of the closing days
  •     Parents have the latest information from the facility
  •     Parents can actively send messages to the teachers
  •     Parents can unsubscribe their children from lunch (ladybug group)
  •     This makes it easier for parents to receive active information, as they are always notified with a push message


There are regular projects in the interests of the child.

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Description and Stations

The kindergarten is located in the center of Stetten.

  •     Im Riedweg 5, 88480 Stetten.
  •     The kindergarten can be reached by car or on foot.
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