Kindergarten Christoph-Martin-Wieland

Kindergarten Christoph-Martin-Wieland
Gässle 17
88480 Achstetten
Funding authority
Gemeinde Achstetten
Laupheimer Straße 6
88480 Achstetten
073929398160 (Herr Brannath)
Opening times7:00 AM - 1:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysca. 30 Schließtage im Jahr
Specially educational concept partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch

Current information


Our Christoph-Martin-Wieland daycare center was built in 2015 and offers space for 63 children from the age of one until they start school. Our building combines crèche places (10) and kindergarten places (53) under one roof.

For our youngest children, the Mäusehöhle, we offer two different childcare models. (VÖ and GT)

In our kindergarten we have two groups for children aged three to six. For our frogs we offer nursery care and for the ladybugs GT/VÖ care.

Daily Schedule

We attach great importance to a regular daily routine so that our children experience a structured kindergarten day. This daily routine is always determined within the group by the teachers and the respective children.


Each child brings their own breakfast from home for the day. This should be varied and balanced. After our morning circle, we sit down in the snack corner (kindergarten) or in the kitchen (crèche) for breakfast together. We have a muesli day once a week in our facility, which all the children really appreciate. We offer the children water and unsweetened tea at all times. Our facility is supported by the EU school program.

We regularly receive fruit and vegetables and/or milk (products) from regional suppliers. We offer this to the children in the form of cut fruit and vegetable platters.

Lunch for our VÖ/GT children is delivered fresh daily by the catering company GastroMenü. The weekly menu is displayed in the facility.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 20/12/2023 14:07:29)

Offered care types at Jul 27, 2024:

Kind of care
 Krippe Ganztagsbetreuung
 Krippe Verlängerte Öffnungszeiten
 Kindergarten Ganztagesbetreuung
 Kindergarten Regelgruppe
 Kindergarten verlängerte Öffnungszeiten


The most important goal of our work is to offer the children an atmosphere in which they can feel comfortable and secure. Our work is geared towards the needs of our children. Each child develops individually. We want to accompany and support our children in their development, encourage and challenge them.



Additional Offerings

SBS - Singing, Moving, Speaking

A member of staff from the Ruf music school visits us every week. Here the children have the opportunity to expand their language skills through singing and movement.

Teamwork with school

Our facility works together with a teacher from the Achstetten primary school. We work together to develop educational tasks and targeted support for our preschool children, who are among our Maxi children.

Teamwork with parents

We are a family-supporting institution. An educational partnership with parents is very important to us. Mutual trust and a willingness to work together play an important role in this.

As a member of the parents' council, there is an additional opportunity for more intensive cooperation, e.g. in the organization of festivals, representation of parents' interests, as well as the exchange between educational staff on site, representatives of the provider and parents.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 20/12/2023 14:07:29)


Since 01.12.2023, our facility has been using the KIKOM kindergarten app in every group. This allows us to communicate with you quickly and easily at any time. You get an insight into your children's day-to-day kindergarten life and can therefore participate a little more. Important projects, activities or announcements are still posted on the notice board in our facility.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 20/12/2023 14:07:29)


You can view the admission criteria for the municipal day care centers of the municipality of Achstetten on the municipality's homepage.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 20/12/2023 14:07:29)

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