Evangelischer Kindergarten Regenbogen

Evangelischer Kindergarten Regenbogen
Karlstr. 15
73433 Aalen
Funding authority
Evang. Kirchengemeinde Wasseralfingen-Hüttlingen
Bismarckstraße 87
73433 Aalen
073616339555 (Claudia Dolmetsch)
Opening times7:00 AM - 2:00 PM o'clock
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education
Extras care with lunch


Our kindergarten accompanies the parents with the upbringing and takes general and social pedagogic tasks in society. Children need stability and orientation. Our institution is based on the Christian values of brotherly love, hope and freedom. We help children to their own faith and, by doing so, to life. A good and enriching togetherness of children and grown-ups of different confessions, religions and nationalities has been developed. Thus, our institution contributes to a peaceful development and social stability of our society.

Every child is accepted and encouraged through our holistic offers and language training. We sensitize our children for the awareness of nature and creation and support the project “Grüner Gockel” (environment management) of our church community. You can gladly arrange a viewing appointment with us. 


Wir freuen uns darauf, im Sommer / Herbst 2022 zusammen mit unserer Krippengruppe die neuen Räume an der Magdalenenkirche zu beziehen. Dort entsteht derzeit eine neue Kita, die Raum für Kinder von 11 Monaten bis zum Schuleintritt bietet. 

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